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学术前沿讲座-Overview of the Lectures on the Research



Overview of the Lectures on the Research


Yongrok Choi Inha University








2018年37日(周)下午14:00-16:00, 东南大学九龙湖经管楼B203

2018年3月14日(周)下午14:00-16:00, 东南大学九龙湖经管楼B203

2018年3月21日(周)下午14:00-16:00, 东南大学九龙湖经管楼B203

2018年3月28日(周)下午14:00-16:00, 东南大学九龙湖经管楼B203



March 7th (Wednesday) 14:00 – 16:00

Objective: The lecture will explain the research type of paper in the journal, especially the based on the SCI level of journal articles. The logical structure will be explained more in detail with diverse case studies. The students will understand the stepwise approach to prepare the paper in the journal, from the idea searching to the logical structuring of the ideas.

-Subject 1: What is a good paper?

-Subject 2: How should we prepare to write THE paper?

-Subject 3: For the future Challenge: Conclusion

First homework: Read one of the following articles and prepare the next seminar to present the summary and critiques of the articles. Summarize the paper and find out the implications of the paper based on three subjects in the following week.

-2017.9, Yongrok Choi, Yu Liu, Hyeongseok Lee, The economy impacts of Korean ETS with an emphasis on sectoral coverage based on a CGE approach, ENERGY POLICY, 109, 835-844.

-2016. 9. Yongrok Choi; Hyeongseok Lee, Are Emissions Trading Policies Sustainable? A Study of the Petrochemical Industry in Korea; doi:10.3390/su8111110

-2016. 2, Choi, Y & Son L., Reuse Intention of Third-Party Online Payments: A Focus on the Sustainable Factors of Alipay,

-2015.7. Yongrok Choi, Intermediary Propositions for Green Growth with Sustainable Governance

March 14th (Wednesday) 14:00 – 16:00

Objective: The lecture will be based on the workshop style of presentations by the students. The best training in the research method approach can be found on the comparative analysis on the papers in the journal. At the first stage of the research, the students shall be given three or four papers. Among the papers, the student shall pick one of the papers and analyze it in the following order. (All the papers have the logical missing links, and the class will focus on finding out these missing links and on filling these links with “unique” approach)

-Summary of the paper (not abstract, but more detailed understanding of the student)

-Subject 1: What are the good points or unique contributions of the paper?

-Subject 2: What are the bad points, any logical missing links, or wrong implications of the paper?

-Subject 3: What is the perceived propositions (opinion) of the student from the paper?


March 21th (Wednesday) 14:00 – 16:00

Objective: This lecture will be enhanced seminar style with presentations by the students. The best training in the research method approach can be found on the comparative analysis on the papers in the journal. At this second stage of the research, the students shall pick up any one paper from the SCI level of journals. The students shall analyze it in the following order. (All the papers have the logical missing links, and the class will focus on finding out these missing links and on filling these links with “THE unique” approach)

-Summary of the paper (not abstract, but more detailed understanding of the student)

-Subject 1: What are the good points or unique contributions of the paper?

-Subject 2: What are the bad points, any logical missing links, or wrong implications of the paper?

-Subject 3: What is the perceived propositions (opinion) of the student from the paper?


March 28th (Wednesday) 14:00 – 16:00

Objective: As the final stage of the research method and logical approach, all the students shall present their logical structure for their research respectively. Every student shall present their own potential research paper and all the other students shall criticize it as we learned in this seminar class. All the papers should be based on the business (or policy) case, in the following order.

- (Introduction)

nBackground of the research, importance of it, objectives and structure of the paper

- (Development of the research subject)

nHistorical trend, definitions, literature review, variable articulation, hypotheses, and model set-up

- (Turning point to the issues)

nSWOT matrix and Strategies and/or Data collection & empirical result

nImplications & suggestions



Published more than 100 papers in the SCI level of journals including American Economic Review, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Tech. Forecasting and Social Change, Computational Economics, Economic Indicators, Chinese Management Studies, etc. And published the book, “Digital Business and Sustainable Development” by the Rotledge Publshing Co. Was a Presidential Economic Advisory Member, President of Global e-Business Association. As the President of Asia Business Forum, had organized and been operating the Sustainable Asia Conference since 2009. Took many Special Edition Guest Editor Positions of the SSCI journals, including TFSC, Energy Policy.

