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   该系主要培养获得良好的经济、管理、会计、现代信息技术训练,既懂会计又善于理财和经营管理的复合型人才。目前设有会计学本科专业和硕士专业。系主任为陈志斌教授,吴斌为副系主任。 该系是年轻而充满朝气的新系,除传统的财务会计外,目前已在管理会计、公司理财和会计信息系统等方面形成了自己的特色,承担了一批反映本学科前沿和企业。 政府需要的研究课题。在教学上倡导 "宽口径、重基础、理论与实务并重"人才培养方针,毕业生具有较强的适应性,受到用人单位普遍好评。


  Department of Accounting The Department offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in accounting. The goal of the Department is to train students who have a solid foundation in economics, management, accounting, modern information technology and are potential excellent practitioners. The Department Chair is Associate Prof.Chen Zhibin. The Department is composed of faculty members that are young and energetic. The Department has formed its own distinguishing feature in managerial accounting; corporate financing and accounting information system apart form its good tradition in financial accounting. The Department has presided lots of research programs subsidized by both government departments and companies, which stand for the academic frontier. Following the teaching philosophy "Wide Scope£" Valuing Basic Theories and the integration of Science, Engineering, Arts and Management", the Department has cultivated students who are generally by government at all levels and various kinds of companies.



