Supply Chain Risks andFinancial performance: Evidence from Demand-Supply Mismatches

Publisher:王逢凤Publish Date:2018-04-11Views:494


Supply Chain Risks andFinancial performance: Evidence from Demand-Supply Mismatches


Vinod SinghalScheller College of Business, Georgia Institute ofTechnology, USA,15th Jan, 2018

Location:B-201,Building of Economics & Management, Jiulonghu Campus


This talk will present empirical evidence on the effect of supply chainrisks on financial performance.Financial performance is measured using measures related to shareholdervalue, share price volatility, and profitability.It will compare and contrast the corporateperformance effects of three different types of supply chain risks; supplychain disruptions, product introduction delays, and excess inventory.The implications of these results on makingthe business case for supply chain initiatives and strategies that mitigatesupply chain risks will be discussed.



 Vinod Singhal is the Charles W. Brady Chair Professorof Operations Management at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Instituteof Technology, Atlanta, USA.

Vinod is a Departmental Editor of Production and OperationsManagement, and Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Management,Management Science, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.

Research Interests:Justification of New Technology, Total Quality Management, ManufacturingStrategy, Activity-Based Cost Systems, Supply Chain Management. Vinod'sresearch has focused on the impact of operating decisions on accounting andstock market based performance measures. His research has been supportedthrough grants from the US Department of Labor, National Science Foundation,the American Society of Quality, and the Sloan Foundation. He has publishedextensively in academic journals and has made more than 130 presentations atdifferent universities. His research has been recognized in the practitionercommunity through his many articles in industry-practitioner journals andfrequent invited presentations as keynote speaker at practitioner conferences.