The impact of remanufacturing strategy on dynamic performance of a closed-loop supply chain

Publisher:王逢凤Publish Date:2018-05-14Views:440


The impact of remanufacturing strategy on dynamic performance of a closed-loop supply chain


Dr. Zhou, Li, 9th May,2018

Location:B-201,Building of Economics & Management, Jiulonghu Campus


System dynamic (SD) performance reflects the cost in a supplychain. This research investigates a three-echelon manufacturing andremanufacturing closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) constituting of a retailer, amanufacturer and a supplier. Each echelon, apart from its usual operations inthe forward SC (FSC), has its own reverse logistics (RL) operations. We assumethat RL information is transparent to the FSC, and the same replenishmentpolicies are used throughout the supply chain. We focus on the impact on dynamicperformance of uncertainties in the return yield, RL lead time and the productconsumption lead time. Two outcomes are studied: order rate and serviceableinventory. The results suggest that higher return yield improves dynamicperformance in terms of overshoot and risk of stock-out with a unit stepresponse as input. And, when the return yield reaches a certain level, theclassic bullwhip propagation normally associated with the FSC does not alwayshold in CLSC. We also study bullwhip and inventory variance when demand is arandom variable. Our analysis suggests that higher return yield contributes toreduced bullwhip and inventory variance at the echelon level but for the CLSCas a whole the level of bullwhip may decrease as well as increase as it propagatesalong the supply chain.



Dr. Zhou, Li. PhD supervisor. Reader in operations managementat the University of Greenwich, UK. She is the founder and director of theSupply Chain Research Group – an International Leading research group accordingto the UK Research Excellence Framework 2014. She has acted in severaldifferent leadership roles during her international career in China, Sweden andUK, ranging from project leadership to team leader and team member in a numberof projects funded by the Chinese government, the Swedish Institute, andenterprises. These projects cover from product design to education andmanagement consulting. So far, she has had over 100 articles published invarious forms including journal papers, edited book chapters, and conferencepapers. Her work appears (inter alia) in internationally recognised andhigh-impact journals such as “International Journal of Production Economics”,“OR Spectrum”, “OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science”, and“Supply Chain Management: An International Journal”. She is also the guesteditor of three special issues for the International journal of productioneconomics.