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学术动态前沿讲座---1. How to Do Research? (Prof. Yufei Yuan)



1.        How to Do Research? (Prof. Yufei Yuan)
2.        Delayed Pricing Scheme of a Newsvendor (Prof. Kai Huang)
3.        Review on Disruption Management and Emergency Logistics (Prof. Xuping Wang)
4.        Research Efforts and Contributions on Healthcare Management, Emergency Management & Supply Chain Management (Prof. Lindu Zhao)
Prof. Yufei Yuan (McMaster University, Canada)
Prof. Kai Huang (McMaster University, Canada)
Prof. Xuping Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Prof. Lindu Zhao (Southeast University, China)
1. How to Do Research? (Prof. Yufei Yuan)
2. Delayed Pricing Scheme of a Newsvendor (Prof. Kai Huang)
In this research, we study a single product multi-period pricing problem. The problem is a nonlinear non-convex optimization problem, for which a local optimal solution is not necessarily a global optimum. We are able to find a global optimal decision structure and to transform the nonlinear non-convex problem to a longest path problem accordingly. We also discuss the extensions of this model.
3. Review on Disruption Management and Emergency Logistics (Prof. Xuping Wang)
4. Research Efforts and Contributions on Healthcare Management, Emergency Management & Supply Chain Management (Prof. Lindu Zhao)
1Prof. Yufei Yuan
Prof. Yuan is an expert in the fields of mobile commerce, information security and privacy, online negotiation, human-computer interaction, fuzzy logic, decision making in health care, and matching problems. Prof. Yuan has been doing research in many frontier research fields such as mobile work force support, identity theft prevention, and emergency response systems. He has published 70 papers in many high quality journals such as Journal of MIS, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Security and Privacy, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Group Decision and Negotiation, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Sciences, Management Sciences and others. Dr. Yuan has been actively involved in many professional organizations. He served as Conference Chair for ICMB 2007 (International Conference on Mobile Business) and Program Co-Chair for AMCIS 2008 (Americas Conference on Information Systems), and a Guest Co-Editor for a special issue of Group Decision and Negotiation. He is the Editorial Board Member of IJMC (International Journal of Mobile Communications) and others. Dr. Yuan was appointed as Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation in 2002-2008 and his name is listed in Who’s Who in Canada.
2Prof. Kai Huang
Professor Huang specializes in the applications of stochastic optimization techniques to supply chain management. His recent research interests include stochastic programming approaches for capacity planning and inventory control, mathematical programming models for assemble-to-order system optimization. Professor Huang’s research work has appeared in refereed articles published in journals such as Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research Letters, and Information Systems and Operational Research. He served as the associate editor of Operations Research Letters, and as referees for journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, Production and Operations Management, Journal on Computing, Operations Research Letters, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, European Journal of Operations Research, etc.
3Prof. Xuping Wang
王旭坪,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究领域:管理科学与工程,电子商务与物流管理,信息系统集成。中国软件行业协会系统工程分会副秘书长,中国系统工程学会物流系统工程分会副秘书长 ,中国(双法)应急管理专业委员会常务委员,辽宁省数量经济学会常务理事,在国内核心期刊发表科研论文三十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金三项。
4Prof. Lindu Zhao