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点评人(单位):吴丽华(东南大学经济学系)   袁健红(东南大学经济学系)  

       Cigarette smoking is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Each year, more than 443,000 people die prematurely due to cigarette use. Existing literature has shown that the raising cigarette price is associated with less cigarette consumption, the reduction in smoking initiation, and the increase in smoking cessation. Consequently, raising excise tax on cigarettes is one of the most cost-effective ways at reducing the health and economic burden of smoking. However, one of the critical questions to evaluate the effectiveness of cigarette excise tax is the split of the tax between smokers and manufactures. Economic theory and limited empirical evidence suggests that the pass-through rate may depend on the type of excise tax, the cigarette market structure, and behaviors of buyers and sellers in market. Particularly, instead of quitting, current smokers could use price search behaviors to mitigate the effect of raising cigarette tax. Using the most recent data on a national representative telephone survey in the United States, the study is the first to evaluate the cigarette price dispersion and how the tax is shifted to smokers by their price search behaviors.


        徐昕博士现任美国疾病控制与防治中心,吸烟和健康办公室高级经济学家,伊利洛斯大学芝加哥分校健康研究与政策学院客座教授,药品经济与治疗途径杂志编辑委员会委员。同时,他也担任中国卫生政策与管理指导委员会委员。他的学术兴趣主要集中在健康行为经济学的实证研究以及对健康政策的绩效评价。他的主要研究对象包括,吸烟,嗜酒,运动,肥胖症和青年人中的避孕行为。在跨学科合作研究领域,他有着丰富的经验。作为伊利洛斯大学芝加哥分校健康研究与政策学院的客座教授, 他正在主持着两项美国农业部资助的食品价格对肥胖症的实证研究。他1998年毕业于东南大学会计系并获得学士学位,2001取得同校的经济学硕士学位,并在2008年获得伊利洛斯大学经济系的博士学位。