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学术前沿讲座——What has the price of beer to do with hospital admissions of violence-related injury in England and Wales?



What has the price of beer to do with hospital admissions of violence-related injury in England and Wales?


Prof. Kent MatthewCardiff University, UK


尹威 副教授



张颖 副教授





The link between the consumption of alcohol and violence is well established in the medical and epidemiological literature. What is not well established is a causal link. It is known that alcohol consumption creates a disinhibiting process that can lead to violent activity. It is also argued that violent people may consume excess quantities of alcohol. There may also be some third unknown factor that links alcohol consumption to violent behaviour. This paper cuts through the causative argument by reporting a link between the price of alcohol and violence-related injury. It examines the influence of the real price of alcohol both on-premises and off-premises on violence-related injuries of the adult population which results in Emergency Department attendance across the economic regions of England and Wales. The data are monthly frequency of violent-injury covering the period 2005-2014. An econometric model is estimated using panel techniques. The principal finding is that a one-way relationship between the real price of alcohol and violent injury is established that reinforces the causal link between alcohol consumption and violence.


Kent Matthews是英国卡迪夫大学商学院金融学教授,中南财经政法大学兼职教授,同时拥有英国Sir Julian Hodge Professor of Banking and Finance的荣誉头衔。他从事银行与金融方面研究与研究三十余年,出版专著17本,主持各项科研项目13项,发表期刊论文近百篇,其中大部分发表于European Economic ReviewJournal of Money, Credit and BankingJournal of Bank and FinanceInternational Review of Financial AnalysisJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money等相关专业顶级期刊上。Kent Matthews教授在全球银行与金融研究领域拥有极高的声望,同时也是中国银行业研究专家,是国家自然科学基金委“中英合作项目”专家之一。他曾参与英国国家经济与社会研究所和英格兰银行的政策制定研究,也曾担任香港金融管理局的访问学者。

