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学术前沿讲座——Joint Optimal Strategies on Pricing and Service Investment Based on an Online Pharmaceutical Platform



Joint Optimal Strategies on Pricing and Service Investment Based on an Online Pharmaceutical Platform






时间:2021年  6月 23 日(周三 )  上午11 点

腾讯会议ID623 211 486


We study a monopoly pharmaceutical platform that acts as a two-sided market provider and an e-tailer at the same time. The platform, on which physicians participate after paying an entrance fee, links physicians and patients through the diagnosis service provided by physicians, and patients can also buy prescription drugs sold by the platform. The platform conducts service investment to attract patients and maximizes its profit by setting an appropriate entrance fee and drug price. We deal with the optimization problem under different conditions, which may be either convex or non-convex. We find that in general the platform can achieve its maximized profit when it reduces drug price to stimulate more patients to buy drugs after being diagnosed. Besides, service investment plays different roles in attracting patients as the disease severity varies. When the disease is less severe, the improvement of service investment mainly increases the number of patients who choose to be diagnosed on the platform. But when the disease is severer, greater service investment can induce patients to purchase drugs after being diagnosed. Furthermore, for the platform, it is more beneficial to charge physicians for an entry fee, rather than sharing the drug revenue with them.



李建斌,教授/博导, 华中科技大学管理学院副院长,国家自然科学基金重点项目主持人。主要研究领域为物流与供应链管理、电子商务供应链优化及医药供应链管理。目前在国际商学院UTD24期刊 Information System ResearchProductions and Operations Management发表3篇文章,在国际一流期刊Decision SciencesNaval Research LogisticsIEEE Transactions On Engineering ManagementJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of the Association for Information SystemsOmegaTREEJORIJPEIJPR等及国内管理科学学报、中国管理科学、系统工程理论与实践等权威期刊发表接受80多篇文章,撰写了4篇案例入选中国管理案例共享中心案例库以及在加拿大毅伟(IVEY)商学院案例库发表1篇案例。主持(完成)一项国家自然科学基金重点项目及四项青年-面上项目。曾获首届华人学者管理科学实践奖、中国物流学会优秀论文一等奖及青年新锐奖、华中科技大学学术新人奖、华中卓越学者、湖北省楚天学者、第十二批“3551光谷人才计划”、教育部新世纪优秀人才;已结题自科青年基金项目后评估为特优,与企业合作成果入选2020年第55届中国高等教育博览会“校企合作 双百计划”优秀案例。
