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Jingjing Xue, Bin Zheng, Sijie Li. Optimal production strategy for auto manufacturers with government subsidies in competitive environments. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2024, online available.

吴蓉蓉, 李四杰, 蔡守杰. 考虑车位优先级的立体车库调度场景研究. 运筹与管理, 2024, 已录用.

尚优, 李四杰. 基于处置选项的不完全模块化产品混合式组合再制造策略. 系统管理学报, 2024, 33(3), 565-578.

You Shang, Sijie Li, Peng Li, Jinhai Liu. An adaptable scheduling model for mixed flexible flow line with production continuity and processing capacity. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 192, 110239.

Sijie Li, Bin Zheng, Dongfeng Jia. Optimal decisions for hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing with trade-in program and carbon tax. Omega, 2024, 124, 103012.

Shoujie Cai, Sijie Li, Wenli Xiao, Minghao Shen. Livestreaming sales strategy considering valuation correlation and influence effect. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2024, 63, 101346.

蔡守杰, 李四杰, 郑斌. 考虑稀缺效应和消费者类型的制造商直播销售策略研究. 管理工程学报, 2023, 37, 151(4): 222-232.

Sijie Li, Dongfeng Jia, Bin Zheng. Manufacturer's trade-in partner choice and pricing in the presence of collection platforms. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 168, 102947.

You Shang, Sijie Li.  Hybrid Combinatorial Remanufacturing Strategy for medical equipment in the pandemic. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 174, 108811.

李四杰, 郑斌. 存在P2P二手产品市场时企业以旧换新策略研究. 管理科学学报,2022, 25(7), 29-40.

Sijie Li, You Shang. A quality status encoding scheme for PCB-based products in IoT-enabled remanufacturing. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2021, 15(5), 155615.

蒋炜, 李四杰, 黄文坡, 李艳婷, 罗俊, 薛巍立. 物联网大数据与产品全生命周期质量管理. 科学出版社, 2021, 北京.

申飞阳, 薛巍立, 李四杰. 考虑消费者信息获取行为的众筹参数设计. 系统工程理论与实践, 2021, 41(2), 378-388.

李四杰, 尚优, 贾东峰. 竞争——竞争市场结构下的互补产品捆绑策略. 系统工程学报, 2020, 35(6), 748-759.

Siyu Zong, Sijie Li, You Shang. Optimal quality-based recycling and reselling prices of returned SEPs in IoT environment. Intelligent Decision Technologies. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2020, 193, 91-103.

Dongfeng Jia, Sijie Li. Optimal decisions and distribution channel choice of closed-loop supply chain when e-retailer offers online marketplace. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265, 121767.

Dongfeng Jia, Sijie Li. Impacts of trade-in program on duopoly competition with product quality differentiation and secondhand market. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2019, 35(4), 516-521.

Jiamin Cao, Sijie Li, Xiaodan Zhu. Optimal channel strategies for service providers with availability of opaque PP channel. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2019, 15(3), 1201-1210.

Lingzhi Shao, Sijie Li. Bundling and product strategy in channel competition. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2019, 26(1), 248-269.

李四杰, 邵灵芝. 考虑消费者策略行为的供应商产品升级策略. 中国管理科学, 2018, 26(4), 1-10.

Sijie Li, Minghui Lai, Weili Xue. Bundling strategy and channel competition in supply chains with complementary products. Procedia Computer Science, 2018, 126, 1730-1739.

Sijie Li, Lingzhi Shao, Haiyan You. Markdown pricing or bundling for complementary products in the presence of strategic consumers. Procedia Computer Science, 2017, 112, 1562-1569.

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Zhongsheng Hua, Sijie Li, Zheng Tao. A rule-based risk decision-making approach and its application in China's customs inspection decision. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2006, 57(11), 1313-1322.

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华中生, 孙毅彪, 李四杰. 单周期产品需求的不确定性对供应链合作的影响分析. 管理科学学报, 2004, 7(5), 40-48.
