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      在 International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and MoneyFinancial Research LetterEmerging Markets Finance and TradeAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics、《系统工程理论与实践》、《金融经济学研究》、《金融评论》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文20余篇。


[1] Sihua Tian; Shaofang Li; Qinen Gu. Measurement and contagion modelling of systemic risk in China's financial            sectors: Evidence for functional data analysis and complex network. International Review of Financial Analysis,            2023, 102913. (SSCI一区期刊/ABS三星).

[2] Qinen Gu; Shaofang Li; Sihua Tian; Yuyouting Wang. Climate, geopolitical, and energy market risk interconnectedness: Evidence from a new climate risk index. Finance Research Letters, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2023.104392. (SSCI一区期刊).

[3] Ning Chen, Shaofang Li, Shuai Lu. The extreme risk connectedness of the global financial system: G7 and BRICS evidence. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2023, 69. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2023, 100812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mulfin.2023.100812. (SSCI期刊).

[4] Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Economies of scale and scope in financial market infrastructures. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2018, 53, 17-49.(SSCI一区期刊/ABS三星).

[5] Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. Competition in Clearing and Settlement Industry. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2016, 40, 134-162.(SSCI一区期刊/ABS三星).

 [6] Shaofang Li, Matej Marinc. The Use of Financial Derivatives and Risks of U.S. Bank Holding Companies.International Review of Financial Analysis, 2014, 35, 46-71. (SSCI一区期刊/ABS三星).

[7] Marko Košak, Shaofang Li, Igor Loncarski, and Matej Marinc* Quality of Bank Capital and Bank Lending Behavior in the Global Financial Crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2015, 37, 168-183.(SSCI一区期刊/ABS三星).

[8] 李绍芳,刘晓星. 金融系统压力:指数化测度及其溢出效应研究.系统工程理论与实践, 2020, 40(5), 1089-1112. (CSSCI期刊/国家自然科学基金委A类期刊).

[9] Shaofang Li. The Impact of Capital Structure and Institutional Environment on Bank Competition: A Cross-Country Analysis. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2022, 58:4, 997-1007. (SSCI一区期刊).

[10] Shaofang Li. Quality of Bank Capital, Competition, and Risk-Taking: Some International Evidence. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57, 12, 3455-3488.(SSCI一区期刊).

[11] Shaofang Li,Chao Liu. Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Cost of Equity Capital: Lessons from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, 54(11): 2472-2494. (SSCI一区期刊).

[12] Shaofang Li. Banking Sector Reform, Competition and Bank Stability: An Empirical Analysis of Transition Countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(13), 3069-3093.(SSCI一区期刊).

[13] Shaofang Li. The Impact of Bank Regulation and Supervision on Competition: Evidence from Emerging Economies. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(10), 2334-2364. (SSCI一区期刊).

[14] Shaofang Li, Xiaolin Li. Bank Competition, Regulation, and Efficiency: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Region. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2022, 29:3, 715-742. (SSCI期刊).

[15]李绍芳,刘晓星. 中国金融机构关联网络与系统性金融风险. 金融经济学研究, 201833(5), 34-48. (CSSCI期刊).

[16] 李绍芳, 李方圆, 刘晓星. 新冠疫情冲击下全球金融市场系统性风险跨市场传染研究—基于G20国家的经验证据. 金融评论, 2022, 3: 1-38+124. (CSSCI期刊).

[17] 李绍芳, 刘晓星. 货币政策对金融市场压力溢出的影响机制研究—基于G20国家的经验证据. 现代经济探讨, 2022, 7: 57-79. (CSSCI期刊).

[18] Shaofang Li. (2021). Financial Regulation and Bank Performance. Springer, Singapore. (学术专著).

[19] Shaofang Li. (2018). Financial Institutions in the Global Financial Crisis. Springer, Singapore. (学术专著).

