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  • Chuanjing Ju; Yan Ning*; Time pressure and coordinating project design in inter-functional teams: a configurational approach. Production Planning & Control, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2021.1926567

  • Chuanjing Ju; Yan Ning*; Integrating interorganizational justice to facilitate tacit knowledge sharing in architectural and engineering design projects: a configurational approachEngineering, Construction & Architectural Management, 2021, DOI: 10.1108/ECAM-01-2021-0019

  • Chuanjing Ju*Work motivation of safety professionals: A person-centred approach, Safety Science, 2020, 127:104697

  • Chuanjing Ju*; Steve Rowlinson; The evolution of safety legislation in Hong Kong: Actors, structure, and institutions, Safety Science, 2020, 124: 104606

  • Chuanjing Ju*; Steve Rowlinson; Yan Ning; Contractors’ strategic responses to voluntary OHS programmes: An institutional perspective, Safety Science, 2018, 105: 22-31 

  • Chuanjing Ju; Yan Ning*; Wei Pan; A review of interdependence of sustainable building, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2016, 56: 120-127 

  • Chuanjing Ju*; Steve Rowlinson; Institutional determinants of construction safety management strategies of contractors in Hong Kong, Construction Management and Economics, 2014, 32(7-8): 725-736 


  • Chuanjing Ju. A Study of Institutional Complexity and Contractors’ Safety Management Strategies. 东南大学出版社, 399千字, 2020. 
