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Ziliang Jin, Kai Pan, Zuo-Jun Max Shen, and Wenxin Xu. Integrated Vehicle Allocation and Relocation for Shared Micromobility under Competition and Demand Uncertainty. IISE Transactions, forthcoming, 2024. (Flagship journal of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers)

Ziliang Jin, Yulan Wang, Yun Fong Lim, Kai Pan, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen. (2023). Vehicle rebalancing in a shared micromobility system with rider crowdsourcing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(4): 1394-1415. (UTD 24)

Qian Lei, Juan He, Chao Ma, and Ziliang Jin. (2020). The impact of consumer behavior on preannounced pricing for a dual‐channel supply chain. International Transactions in Operational Research27(6): 2949-2975. 

Ziliang Jin, Kai Pan, Lei Fan, and Tao Ding. (2019). Data-driven look-ahead unit commitment considering forbidden zones and dynamic ramping rates. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(6): 3267-3276. (IF: 12.3, Flagship Journal of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society)
