姓名:Jian Peng 职称:Associate professor 联系电话: 办公地址: 个人主页: 邮箱:pengjiannut@gmail.com Education BackgroundAcademicMembership & Professional Activities Associate Editor, Journal of Managerial Psychology Editorial Review Board, Journal of Managerial Psychology Editorial Review Board, Journal of Applied Behavioral Psychology Ad-hoc reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Ad-hoc reviewer, Acta Psychologica Ad-hoc reviewer, Baltic Journal of Management Ad-hoc reviewer, British Journal of Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility Ad-hoc reviewer, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Human Resource Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Information & Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Management Studies Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Organizational Behavior Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Ad-hoc reviewer, Leadership and Organization Development Journal Ad-hoc reviewer, Management and Organization Review Ad-hoc reviewer, Management Decision Ad-hoc reviewer, Psychology Research and Behavior Management Ad-hoc reviewer, Personnel Review Ad-hoc reviewer, Plos One Research AreasHuman Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, and Managerial Psychology. Research TopicLeadership (e.g., Transformational Leadership, Environmental Leadership, Self-Serving Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange), Followership (e.g., implicit followership theories), Person-Supervision Fit, and Workplace Prosocial behaviors (e.g., Green/Pro-environmental Behavior, Stewardship Behavior). Awards And HonorsEmerald Literati Outstanding Reviewer (Journal of Managerial Psychology), 2020 Best Paper Award, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2016 Academic AchievementsKong, D. T., Spark, S., & Peng, J*. (2023). Appraising and reacting to perceived pay-for-performance: Leader competence and warmth as critical contingencies. Academy of Management Journal, 66(2), 402–431. Peng, J., Nie, Q., Chen, X*., & Zhang, Z. (2023). Congruence in positive implicit followership theories, relational identification, and job performance: The moderating role of uncertainty avoidance. Journal of Management & Organization, https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2023.44 Nie, Q., Peng, J*., Cheng, Y. C., & Chen, X*. (2024) Prototypical implicit followership theories, leader support, and follower organizational citizenship behavior. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, https://10.1080/1359432X.2024.2314935 Peng, J., Hou, N*., Zou, Y., & Long, R. (2023). Participative leadership and employees’ cyberloafing: A self-concept-based theory perspective. Information & Management, 60(8), 103878. Peng, J., Nie, Q., & Chen, Y*. (2023). Team abusive supervision and team behavioral resistance to change: The roles of distrust in the supervisor and perceived frequency of change. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(7), 1016–1033. Peng, J., Nie, Q*., & Chen, Y*. (2023). Managing hospitality employee cyberloafing: The role of empowering leadership. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103349. Yang, H., Lin, Z., Chen, X*., & Peng, J. (2022). Workplace loneliness, ego depletion and cyberloafing: Can leader problem-focused interpersonal emotion management help?. Internet Research, 33(4), 1473–1494 Hou, N., Peng, J., & Nie, Q*. (2022). The benefits of ambidextrous leadership behavior for the workplace well-being of leaders. Current Psychology, 42(32), 28783–28798 Nie, Q., Peng, J*., & Yu G. (2023). Leader expectations facilitate employee pro-environmental behavior. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(2), 555–569. Kang, Y., Peng, J*., & Nie, Q.* (2023). Peer reaction to manager stewardship behavior: crediting or stigmatizing the behavior?. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(2), 453–474. Peng, J., Chen, X., Zou, Y*., & Nie, Q. (2021). Environmentally specific transformational leadership and team pro-environmental behaviors: The roles of pro-environmental goal clarity, pro-environmental harmonious passion, and power distance. Human Relations, 74(11), 1864–1888. Peng, J., Li, M. Z*., Wang, Z., & Lin, Y. Y. (2021). Transformational leadership and employees’ reactions to organizational change: Evidence from a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 57(3), 369–397. Nie, Q., Zhang, J*., Peng, J*., & Chen, X. (2021). Daily Micro-break Activities and Workplace Well-being: A Recovery Perspective. Current Psychology, 42(12), 9972–9985. Chen, X., Peng, J*., Lei, X., & Zou, Y. (2021). Leave or stay with a lonely leader? An investigation into whether, why, and when leader workplace loneliness increases team turnover intentions. Asian Business Management, 20(2), 280–303. Peng, J., Chen, X*., Nie, Q. & Wang, Z. (2020). Proactive personality congruence and creativity: A leader identification perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(7/8), 543–558. Peng, J., Wang, Z*., & Chen, X. (2019). Does self-serving leadership hinder team creativity? A moderated dual-path model. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), 419–433. Liu, Y., Wang, H., Li, L., Wang, Y., Peng, J*., & Baxter, D. F. (2019). Judgments in a hurry: time pressure affects how judges assess unfairly shared losses and unfairly shared gains. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(3), 203–212. Peng, J*., Chen, Y., Xia, Y., & Ran, Y. (2017). Workplace loneliness, leader-member exchange and creativity: The cross-level moderating role of leader compassion. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 510–515. Chen, Y., Wen, Z*., Peng, J., & Liu, X. (2016). Leader-follower congruence in loneliness, LMX and turnover intention. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(4), 864–879. |