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        演讲题目:Economic Development, Schooling and the Gender Division of Labor
        演讲人: Mark Richard Rosenzweig (美国耶鲁大学)
        内容摘要:This lecture sets out a model of human capital investment and activity choice to explain facts describing gender differentials in the levels and returns to human capital investments and occupational choice around the world and in China. These facts include the higher return to and level of schooling, the small effect of healthiness on wages, the large effect of healthiness on schooling for women relative to men, and the higher participation in skill-intensive occupations by women relative to men. The model incorporates gender differences in the level and responsiveness of brawn to nutrition in a setting in which activities reward skill and brawn differentially. Evidence from rural Bangladesh and surveys of adult and child twins in China provides support for the model and the importance of the distribution of brawn. The data from China additionally are used to show that levels of economic development affect both the occupational division of labor by gender and the differential gender effects of nutrition on schooling investment.
        Rosenzweig教授是美国耶鲁大学(Yale University)经济系弗兰克阿特休尔讲席教授(Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics),经济增长研究中心(Economic Growth Center)主任,美国国家经济研究局(NBER)副研究员,全球著名经济学家。1969年、1971年和1973年于哥伦比亚大学先后获得学士、硕士及博士学位。担任美国多个大型调研项目的首席调研员,同时也是多个国际顶级杂志的编委。
        Rosenzweig教授主要的研究领域为经济增长和劳动经济学,已在American Economic ReviewQuarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political EconomyEconometrica等国际一流期刊发表150余篇高水平学术论文,曾出版多部专著,并参与编写Handbook of Development Economics, Handbook of Population and Family Economics,在经济学领域享有很高的声誉。