报告题目 | On the Performance of Sparse Process Structures in Partial Postponement Production Systems | ||
报告人(单位) | 郑欢(上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院) | ||
点评人(单位) | 舒嘉 | 点评人(单位) | |
时间地点 | 时间: 2013年11月26日(周二)下午2点 地点:九龙湖经管楼B-201 | ||
报告内容摘要 | | ||
报告内容:Production postponement, the strategy to hold reserved production capacity that can be deployed based on actual demand signals, is often used to mitigate supply-demand mismatch risk. The effectiveness of this strategy depends crucially on the ease, or flexibility, in deploying the reserved capacity to meet product demands. This paper examines how effective the production postponement strategy is in this environment. In a symmetric system, we prove that the performance of 2-chain, vis-a-viz the full flexibility structure, has a wider gap when postponement level (i.e. amount of reserved capacity) is moderate, and thus process flexibility beyond 2-chain matters and affects appreciably the performance of the production postponement strategy. Fortunately, adding a little more flexibility, say turning a 2-chain into a 3-chain, the system can perform almost as well as a full flexibility structure for all postponement levels. This is important as first stage production capacity can be allocated \as if" the reserve capacity is \fully flexible." Our analysis hinges on an exact analytical expression for the performance of d-chain, obtained from solving a related class of random walk problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper with analytical results on the performance of d-chain for d >2. 报告人简介: 郑欢,现任上海交通大学副教授。2007 年毕业于新加坡国立大学决策科学系, 2001年毕业于上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院。主要研究兴趣包括运营战略与管理、供应链管理和优化、电子商务的运营管理等,特别是在流程柔性领域的理论和模型方面取得了若干研究成果。研究成果发表于Operations Research, Productions and Operations Management 等国际学术期刊。 |