报告题目 | Behavior-based pricing and wholesaling contracting in competing channel with informative advertising | |
报告人(单位) | 许明辉(教授) | |
主持人(单位) | 薛巍立(东南大学) | |
时间地点 | 时间:2021年 6月 23 日(周三 ) 上午9 点30分 腾讯会议ID:623 211 486 | |
报告内容摘要 | With behavior-based pricing (BBP), firms use customers’ purchase history data to price discriminately between past and new customers. This study investigates the influence of manufacturers' informative advertising on the strategic interaction between upstream contracts (commitment or dynamic) and downstream pricing mechanisms (BBP or not). We consider two supply chains in which firms not only compete in prices according to the pricing and contracting scheme, but also make advertising decisions to generate awareness at the beginning of the game. We show that the adoption of BBP will reduce the informative advertising efforts. BBP hurts the manufacturers in most cases. Interestingly, BBP benefits the retailers under commitment wholesale pricing, while under dynamic one BBP benefits the retailers only when advertising is sufficient efficiency. Wealso examine BBP’s performance in the social welfare. | |
报告人简介: 许明辉现为武汉大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师,管理科学与工程系主任。他的主要研究兴趣包括运营与供应链管理中随机模型与优化,库存控制与定价,营销与运营交叉等。研究成果主要发表在Operations Research, Naval ResearchLogistics,IIE Transactions,European Journal of OperationalResearch, Decision Sciences, Omega, 《管理科学学报》,《系统工程理论与实践》,《中国管理科学》等知名期刊上。