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1. Dong, B., and Torgler, B., 2009. Corruption, Social Norms, and Political Interest. Empirical Economics Letters 8, 71-78.

2. Dong, B., and Torgler, B., 2009. Corruption and Political Interest: Empirical Evidence at the Micro Level. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 21, 295-326.

3. Bin Dong, Uwe Dulleck and Benno Torgler, 2012. Conditional Corruption. Journal of Economic Psychology 33,609-627.

4. Dong, B and Torgler, B., 2012. The Causes of Corruption: Evidence from China. China Economic Review. Forthcoming.

5. Dong, B and Torgler, B., 2012. Corruption and Social Interaction: Evidence from China. Journal of Policy Modeling. Forthcoming.

6. Dong, B and Torgler, B., 2012. The Consequences of Corruption: Evidence from China.  Revision and Resubmission to the Economics of Transition.

7. Dong, B and Torgler, B., 2010. Democracy, Property Rights, Income Equality, and Corruption. CREMA Working Paper Series 2010-23.

8. Dong, B., Gu, X. and Torgler, B., 2012. Inward FDI, Corruption and Environmental Regulations: Evidence from China. Working paper.



9. 董斌,2006,期货市场对我国经济发展中作用的实证研究, 现代管理科学, 2006(12)

10. 周雷,倪雯,董斌,2007,上海燃料油期货市场有效性的计量实证研究 ,现代管理科学,2007(06)

11. 林辉,周勇,董斌,2011, 网络银行技术风险的防范与监管问题研究 科技与经济,2011(06)




13.Dong, B., How, J., Lin, H. and Torgler, B., 2011. Political Connections, Tunnelling and Performance: Evidence from Chinese Private Listed Enterprises. Working Paper.

14.Dong, B., Lin, H and Torgler, B., 2011. The Value of Safety: Evidence from China. Working Paper.
