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The effect of digital technology on residential and non-residential carbon emission [J]. International Review of Economics and Finance,Vol 95 Sep, 2024(SSCI in Economics) (First Author & Corresponding Author) 

Is digital technology innovation a panacea for carbon reduction? [J]. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Forthcoming, 2024. (SSCI in Economics) (First Author & Corresponding Author) 

The power of patent transfer: The impact of green technology acquisition on non-residential CO2 emissions under the intervention of government actions. [J]. JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS Volume 94 Oct, 2024. (SSCI in Economics)(Corresponding Author)


Understanding mechanisms of digital transformation in state-owned enterprises in China: An institutional perspective [J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 123288, 2024. (Co-authored with Liu Guanyu et al.) 

Does digital technology promote carbon emission reduction in the service industry: Economic logic and empirical evidence from China [J]. HELIYON, 10 (4) 2024(SCI/SSCI in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)(Corresponding Author, Supervised Undergraduate student as First Author)

The threshold spatial effect of digital technology on carbon emissions [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 442,2024. (SCI/SSCI/ESI in Engineering)(Corresponding Author

How Digital Financial Inclusion Boosts Tourism: Evidence from Chinese Cities [J] JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH,2023 18 (3), pp.1619-1636.(SSCI in Business)( Corresponding Author)

The impact of digital finance on residential carbon emissions: Evidence from China [J] Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 63(C)2022 515-527. (SSCI in Economics) (First Author) 

The impact of digital finance on pollutants emission: evidence from chinese cities  [J] Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. (SCI in Environmental Sciences) 

The impact of city commercial banks’ expansion on China’s regional energy efficiency [J] Economic Analysis and Policy  Volume 73:10-28. (SSCI in Economics) (First Author & Corresponding Author) 

Could Green Technology Innovation Help Economy Achieve Carbon Neutrality Development–Evidence From Chinese Cities.[J] Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022.04. (SCI/SSCI in Environmental Sciences)

The driving factors of China's embodied carbon emissions [J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 2020,153:1-12. (SSCI in Business) (First Author & Corresponding Author)

The impact of technological innovation on air pollution: Firm-level evidence from China [J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 2022,177:121521. (SSCI in Business) (Co-authored with Chen Fenglong, Wang Meichang)

Sustainable total-factor ecology efficiency of regions in China [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 734:139241. (SCI in Environmental Sciences) 

A study of the petroleum trade network of countries along “The Belt and Road Initiative”[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,222:593-605.(SCI/SSCI/ESI in Engineering)(Corresponding Author)

Structure decomposition analysis of embodied carbon from transition economies [J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 2018,135:1-12. (SSCI in Business) (First Author & Corresponding Author)

Economic Growth, Environmental Sustainability and China Mayors’ Promotion[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,172(C):454-465.(SCI/SSCI/ESI in Engineering)(First Author)


数字金融驱动小微企业创新的组态分析 [J].科技管理研究,2024.5. (通讯作者)

数字经济对经济“脱实向虚”的影响:来自上市公司的证据[J]. 经济评论, 2022.(CSSCI)(通讯作者,封面论文、年度最佳论文)


关键核心技术及其攻关策略研究[J]. 《系统管理学报》,2022.

税收是否挤出了企业研发投入[J]. 税收经济研究, 2021.(通讯作者)

资源型城市转型政策实施效果评价[J]. 环境经济研究, 2019.(通讯作者)

交通基础设施质量改善对全要素生产率增长的影响——来自铁路提速的证据[J]. 世界经济, 2018.6. (CSSCI) 


基于战略科技成果视角的国家战略科技力量培育策略研究[J]. 中国科技人才杂志,2022. 

激活数字化改造潜能 构筑产业发展新优势[J]. 群众,2021.

为战“疫”提供科技支撑[J]. 群众,2020.

更好地推进江苏产学研协同创新[J]. 群众,2017.


The Effect of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy on Global Economy, Science Press, 2017


