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  1. Gao, Yanyan, Zhang, L., & Nan, Y., (2023), Travel to breathe the fresh air? Big data evidence on the short-term migration of air pollution from China, China Economic Review (IF: 6.8), 82, 102070: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2023.102070.

  2. Gao, Yanyan, and Su, W., (2023). The long-run tourism effect of historical celebrities: Evidence from one of the most influential literatus in China, Tourism Economics (IF: 4.582), 29(6): 1461-1483: https://doi.org/10.1177/13548166221109665.

  3. Gao, Yanyan, Fang, M., Nan, Y., and Su, W., (2022). World Heritage Site inscription and city tourism attractiveness on national holidays: new evidence with migration big data from China, Current Issues in Tourism (IF: 7.43; ABS3), 26(12), 1956-1973: https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2022.20.

  4. Gao, Yanyan, & Wang, X. (2023). Chinese agriculture in the age of high-speed rail: Effects on agricultural value added and food outputAgribusiness39387405https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21771

  5. Gao, Yanyan, & Zheng, J. (2022). Clearing the air through pipes? An evaluation of the air pollution reduction effect of China's natural gas pipeline projects. Energy Policy160, 112649. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112649

  6. Gao, Yanyan, Zheng, J., & Wang, X. (2021). Does high-speed rail reduce environmental pollution? Establishment-level evidence from China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2021.101211

  7. Gao, Yanyan, Nan, Y., and Song, S., (2021), High-Speed Rail and City Tourism: Evidence from Tencent Migration Big Data on Two Chinese Golden Weeks, Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy (IF: 2.2)https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12473.  

  8. Gao, Yanyan, and Zang, L., (2021), Does Democracy Pro-Poor? An Empirical Test of the Sen Hypothesis Based on Global Evidence, Governance (IF: 3.4)https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12627.  

  9. Gao, Yanyan, and Su, W., (2020), The Disclosure of Quality on Tourism Performance: Evidence from China's Top Tourist Cities in China, Journal of Travel Research (影响因子,10.98). https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0047287520954540

  10. Gao, Yanyan, and Zheng, J., (2020), The Impact of High-Speed Rail on Innovation: An Empirical Test of the Companion Innovation Hypothesis of Transportation Improvement with China’s Manufacturing Firms. World Development (影响因子,5.28), 127,104838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104838.

  11. Gao, Yanyan, Song, S., Sun, J. and Zang, L., (2020), Does High-Speed Rail Connection Really Promote Local Economy? Evidence from China’s Yangtze River Delta. Review of Development Economics (影响因子,1.17)24(1), 316-338.  https://doi.org/10.1111/rode.12642

  12. Gao, Yanyan, and Su, W., (2019), Is the World Heritage just a title for tourism? Annals of Tourism Research (影响因子,5.5), 78,102748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.102748 

  13. Gao, Yanyan, Su, W.,&Wang, K. (2019). Does High-Speed Rail Boost Tourism Growth? New Evidence from China. Tourism Management (影响因子,6.0),72220-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.12.003 (WOS高被引论文)

  14. Gao, Yanyan, Zang, L., Roth, A., & Wang, P. (2017). Does democracy cause innovation? An empirical test of the popper hypothesis. Research Policy (影响因子,5.4)46(7), 1272-1283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2017.05.014.

  15. Gao, Yanyan, Zang, L., & Sun, J. (2018). Does computer penetration increase farmers’ income? An empirical study from China. TelecommunicationsPolicy (影响因子,2.0)42(5), 345-360https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2018.03.002. 

  16. Gao, Yanyan, Zheng, Jianghuai, and Bu, Maoliang. (2014). Rural-Urban Income Gap and AgriculturalGrowth in China: An Empirical Study on Provincial Panel Data, 1978-2010. China Agricultural Economic Review, 6(4): 92-107. (SSCI & SCI)

  17. 高彦彦,周勤,郑江淮,2012:《为什么中国农村公共品供给不足?》《中国农村观察》6期。

  18. 高彦彦,苏炜,郑江淮,2011:《政府规模与经济发展——基于世界面板数据的实证分析》《经济评论》第2期。

  19. 高彦彦,2010:《城市偏向、城乡收入差距与中国的农业增长》《中国农村观察》5期。

  20. 高彦彦,郑江淮,孙军,2010:《从城市偏向到城乡协调发展的政治经济逻辑》《当代经济科学》5期。

  21. 高彦彦,刘志彪,郑江淮,2009:《技术能力、价值链位置与企业竞争力——来自苏州制造业的实证研究》《财贸经济》11

  22. 郑江淮,高彦彦,胡小文,2008:《企业扎堆、技术升级与经济绩效:开发区集聚效应的实证分析》《经济研究》5期。


  1. 高彦彦编著,《经济博弈论基础教程》,南京:东南大学出版社,2018年12月第1版。

  2. 高彦彦,孙军著,《互联网经济时代的中国产业升级问题研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,201612月第1版。

  3. 高彦彦著,《中国城市偏向问题的政治起源与经济后果》,南京:南京大学出版社,2014年7月第1版。  

  4. 郑江淮、高彦彦等著,《一体化与平等化:长三角城乡互动、工农互促的协调发展道路》,北京:经济科学出版社,2012年7月第1版。
