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A. 一作论文

       A-1. 英文论文

  1. [1] Chen J, Wei H, Xu SJ, Zheng CN*. The Value of Product Recall Insurance in a Price Competition with Financially Constrained Suppliers[J]. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 2023, 307(3): 1161-1176.

  2. [2] Chen J, Wei H*, Xie L. Mitigating product quality risk under external financial pressures: inspection, insurance, and cash/collateralized Loan[J]. Production and Operations Management (POM), 2022, 31(1):304-317.

  3. [3] Chen J, Wei H, Xie L*. Optimal strategy in managing product quality risk for a risk-averse manufacturer: prevention or mitigation?[J].Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2022, 69(2): 287-302.

  4. [4] Chen J, Tian ZW, Wei H*.Optimal ordering and pricing policies in managing perishable products with quality deterioration. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 2021, 59(15): 4472-4494.

  5. [5] Chen J, Wei H, Xie L*.The role of business insurance in managing a manufacturer’s product quality risk. Operations Research Letters (ORL), 2017, 45(6): 635-641.

       A-2. 中文论文

  1. [1]陈静, 杨艺, 郑朝南*, 邓开洋.竞争环境下资金约束企业的召回风险管理策略[J].管理工程学报, 录用.

  2. [2]静,郑朝南*.资金约束下信用支付风险管理:回收率改进,信用保险还是“信用保险+保理”?[J].管理评论, 2024, 36(06):54-66.

  3. [3] 陈静*,魏航,陈敬贤.风险规避偏好下农副产品自然风险管理策略的选择:外部采购还是农业保险?[J].管理工程学报,2020,34(3):175-190.  

  4. [4] 陈静魏航*, 谢磊商业保险在供应链质量风险管理中的应用研究[J].管理科学学报, 2019, 22(1): 80-93.

  5. [5] 陈静*,魏航,谢磊,陈敬贤,项寅.规避制造商产品质量风险的保险策略及价格决策[J].管理工程学报,2019,33(2):148-159. 

  6. [6] 陈静*,陈敬贤,魏航.规避农副产品原材料产出不确定风险的商业保险策略[J].中国管理科学,2018,26(6):39-50.

  7. [7] 陈静*,李佩,张永芬.制造商产品质量风险管理的期权策略优化研究[J].管理评论, 2017, 29(8): 77-90.

C. 通讯作者论文

  1. [1] 吴传良,田中俊,陈静*.考虑质量投资与助农营销的智慧平台促乡村振兴模式优选研究[J].运筹与管理,2023,录用.

  2. [2] 吴传良,田中俊,陈静*.考虑消费者异质性和在线购物信任度的双渠道公益营销决策[J].管理工程学报,2023,录用.

  3. [3]吴传良,田中俊,陈静*.考虑制造商和电商平台自有品牌竞争的公益营销决策研究[J/OL].中国管理科学,网络首发:1-23[2023-09-04].https://doi.org/10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2023.0323.

D. 合作论文

  1. [1] 徐娜,赵林度*,陈静,于浍.考虑净推荐值(NPS)的社区电商供应链合作优化决策研究(网络首发)[J].管理工程学报,网络首发.

  2. [2] Wu M.C., Chen J, Xue W.L.*,Liu X. Competing Buyers' Investment and Ordering Strategies under Supply Disruption[J]. Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review (TRE)2024, 191: 103723.

E. 在研论文(Working Paper)

  1. [1]
