![]() 姓名:杜运周 职称:教授 联系电话: 办公地址:九龙湖校区经管楼A300室 个人主页: 邮箱:yunzhou@seu.edu.cn 教育背景2007年9月-2010年6月 南开大学 工商管理 管理学博士 2012年5月-2013年5月 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 访问学者 学术兼职中国企业管理研究会副理事长、中国企业管理研究会管理哲学专业委员会主任 中国管理现代化研究会第七届理事会理事、管理研究方法专业委员会主任 中国管理模式50人 国际比较方法(QCA)专家网络COMPASSS咨询委员会50人之一 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,浙江省自然科学基金通讯评审专家 美国管理学会(AOM)会员,中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会员 《科研管理》(编委),《管理学季刊》(领域编辑),《管理学报》(中国企业家管理思想专栏专家委员会委员),《外国经济与管理》(东方管理专栏编委、研究方法专栏编委)。 研究领域管理哲学与研究方法论、组态视角与QCA方法、营商环境生态与创新创业、经营主体活力、组织合法性与制度逻辑理论等 研究课题1.主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“营商环境激发市场主体活力的动力机制研究”(项目编号:72233001,2023.01-2027.12) 2.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“营商环境多生态要素的耦合机制:组态视角与方法的探究”(项目编号:72072030,2021.01-2024.12) 3.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“自恋人格、多层次制度逻辑与众创空间内创业者战略选择及效果研究”(项目编号:71672033:2017.01-2020.12),2023.3,结项,绩效评估“特优” 4.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“制度多元性与新企业合法性威胁形成及管理机理研究”(项目编号:71272217:2013.01-2016.12) 5.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“新企业成长过程中的合法化机理研究”(项目编号:70902080:2010.01-2012.12),2013.4, 结项,绩效评估“优” 6.主持教育部人文社科青年项目“创业型企业创新网络演化机制的实证研究”(07JC630028:2008.1-2010.12) 7.主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目“市场导向,组织合法性与新企业成长关系研究”(20110491372:2011.3-2012.12) 8.参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“制度逻辑、包容性领导与企业成长战略的形成及作用机制研究”(71472001:2015.1-2018.12),排名第三 9.参与国家社科重大项目“高质量发展情境下中国企业的高端化战略变革理论研究”(项目批准号:21&ZD140,项目开始时间2021.12) 奖励与荣誉南开大学博士生优秀奖学金“特等奖”及“南开十杰”称号(2009) Emerald Citation of Excellence Award(2015) 教育部第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖(2015) 江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2018) 教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)青年成果奖(2020) 江苏省“紫金文化人才培养工程”文化优青(2020) 江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖(2023) 教育部第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)成果奖二等奖(2024) 学术成果著作及论文:
杜运周. 市场导向、政治网络与新企业合法化成长——制度多元性的视角. 北京:经济科学出版社, 2014年11月.
杜运周. 中国经营主体活力报告. 北京:中国商业出版社,2023年12月.
杜运周,贾旭东,胡国栋,尹俊,刘书博,王岚. 管理哲学. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2022年10月.
扬·杜尔. 2022. 必要条件分析法. 杜运周等译. 上海: 格致出版社.
伯努瓦·里豪克斯, 查尔斯·C·拉金. 2017. QCA设计原理与应用:超越定性与定量研究的新方法. 杜运周, 李永发等译. 北京: 机械工业出版社.
查尔斯.C·拉金. 2019. 重新设计社会科学研究:模糊集及超越.杜运周等译. 北京: 机械工业出版社.
阿德里安·杜萨.2021. QCA方法从入门到精通:基于R语言. 杜运周等译. 北京: 机械工业出版社.
帕特丽夏·H.桑顿,威廉·奥卡西奥,龙思博. 2020. 制度逻辑:制度如何塑造人和组织. 汪少卿,杜运周,翟慎霄,张容榕译. 浙江大学出版社.
王永贵,项典典,马双,杜运周. 管理研究方法:理论、前沿与操作. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2023年04月.
霍华德·E. 奥尔德里奇,马丁·吕夫,斯蒂芬·李普曼. 2023. 组织演化论. 方世建,杜运周译. 北京: 机械工业出版社.
Du, Y. Z*., Liu, Q. C., Kim, P.H., & Li, J. X. Riding the Waves of Change: Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Analyze Complex Growth Patterns in Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2025, 49(1), 312-353.
Du, Y. Z*., Liu, Q. C., Kim, P.H., & Meuer, J. Studying Complex Causal Processes in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Set-theoretic Mediation Models. Technovation, 2024, 134, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2024.103015.
Yin, J. L., Zhao, J.X., & Du, Y. Z*. Institutional Configurations and Social Entrepreneurship: A Country based Comparison using Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2024. https://www.emerald.com/insight/1355-2554.htm
Li, Jiaxin, Du, Yunzhou, Sun, Ning, & Xie, Zhimin. Ecosystems of Doing Business and Living Standards: A Configurational Analysis Based on Chinese Cities. Chinese Management Studies, 2023.
Du, Yunzhou, Phillip Kim, Sebastian P. L. Fourné, Xiaowei Wang. In Times of Plenty: Slack Resources, R&D Investment, and Entrepreneurial Firms in Challenging Institutional Environments. Journal of Business Research, 2022, 145, 360-376.
Du, Yunzhou, Phillip Kim. One Size Does Not Fit All: Strategy Configurations, Complex Environments, and New Venture Performance in Emerging Economies. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 124, 272-285. 入选2023年ESI高被引论文
Du, Yunzhou, Phillip Kim, Howard Aldrich. Hybrid Strategies, Dysfunctional Competition,and New Venture Performance in Transition Economies. Management and Organization Review(SSCI), 2016, 12(3):469–501. 江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖
Du, Yunzhou, Juelin Yin, Yuli Zhang. How Innovativeness and Institution Affect ISO 9000 Adoption and its Effectiveness: Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in China. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (SSCI), 2016,27(12):1315-1331.
Jia, Lianding, Shuyang You, Yunzhou Du. Chinese Context and Theoretical Contributions to Management and Organization Research: A Three-Decade Review. Management and Organization Review (SSCI),2012,8(1): 173-209 (Emerald Citation of Excellence Award (2015年Emerald Citation of Excellence Award,第七届高校科研优秀成果奖(人文社科)论文二等奖))
Yin, Juelin, Anusorn Singhapakdiand Yunzhou Du*(Corresponding author). Causes and Moderators of Corporate Social Responsibility in China: The influence of personal values and institutional logics, Asian Business & Management (SSCI), 2016,15(3):226-254.
Fong, Cher-Min, Chun-Ling Lee, & Yunzhou Du. Consumer Animosity, Country of Origin, and Foreign Entry-Mode Choice. Journal of International Marketing (SSCI), 2014, (1): 62-76
Fong, Cher-Min, Chun-Ling Lee, & Yunzhou Du. Consumer Animosity and Foreign Direct Investment: An Investigation of Consumer Responses. International Business Review (SSCI), 2015, 24(1):23-32
Fong, Cher-Min, Chun-Ling Lee, & Yunzhou Du. Target Reputation Transferability, Consumer Animosity and Cross-border Acquisition Success. International Business Review(SSCI), 2013, 22(1):174-186
(Du Yunzhou, Sun Ning, Liu Qiuchen. Developing and Analyzing Complex Mediation Models Using Mixed Methods: An Illustration of Doing Business Promoting Innovation Vitality, Synergizing New Quality Productive Forces and Employment-First. Journal of Management World, 2024, 40(6): 217-235.)
(Du, Y. Z., Liu, Q. C., Chen, K. W., Xiao, R, Q., & Li, S. S. (2022). Ecosystem of doing business, total factor productivity and multiple patterns of high-quality development of Chinese cities: A configurational analysis based on complex system view. Journal of Management World, 38(09), 127-145. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2022.0123 )
(Du, Y. Z., Li, J. X., Liu, Q. C., Zhao, S. T., & Chen, K. W. (2021). Configurational theory and QCA method from a complex dynamic perspective: Research progress and future directions. Journal of Management World, 37(03), 180-197+12-13. https://doi.org/10.19744/j. cnki.11-1235/f.2021.0042)
杜运周,“ 让中国故事成为世界故事—讲好中国故事需要把握好几个辩证关系”,《管理世界》(CSSCI),2021, 37(9)
(Du, Y. Z. (2021). Let the Chinese story become the world story: To tell the Chinese story well, we need to grasp several dialectical relations. Journal of Management World, 37(9).)
杜运周、刘秋辰、程建青,“什么样的营商环境生态产生城市高创业活跃度?——基于制度组态的分析”,《管理世界》(CSSCI),2020,36(09):141-154 (管理世界2020年度优秀论文奖、江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖(2023)、教育部二等奖(2024)),人大复印报刊资料《创新政策与管理》全文转载,2020年第12期
(Du, Y. Z., Liu, Q. C., & Cheng, J. Q.(2020). What kind of ecosystem for doing business will contribute to city-level high entrepreneurial activity?A research based on institutional configurations. Journal of Management World, 36(09), 141-154. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2020.0143)
杜运周、贾良定,“组态视角与定性比较分析(QCA):管理学研究的一条新道路”,《管理世界》(CSSCI),2017, 33(06): 155–167 (第八届高校科研优秀成果奖(人文社科)青年成果奖),人大复印报刊资料《管理科学》全文转载,2017年第10期
(Du, Y. Z., & Jia, L. D. (2017). Configurational perspective and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A new approach to management research. Journal of Management World, 33(06), 155-167. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2017.06.012)
杜运周、张玉利、任兵,“展现还是隐藏竞争优势:新企业竞争者导向与绩效U型关系及组织合法性的中介作用”,《管理世界》(CSSCI), 2012,29(07):96-107, 人大复印报刊资料《企业管理研究》全文转载,2012,(12): 105-118
(Du, Y. Z., Zhang, Y. L., & Ren, B. (2012). Revealing or hiding competitive advantage: The U-shaped relationship between new ventures competitor orientation and performance, and the mediating role of organizational legitimacy. Journal of Management World, 29(07), 96-107. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2012.07.010)
(Du, Y. Z., Ren, B., Chen, Z. W., & Zhang, Y. L. (2008). Proactiveness, legitimacy and the growth of SMEs: A mediation model and its implications. Journal of Management World, 24(12), 126-138+148. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2008.12.014)
谭海波、范梓腾、杜运周, “技术管理能力、注意力分配与地方政府网站建设——一项基于TOE框架的组态分析”, 《管理世界》(CSSCI), 2019, 35(09): 81–94
(Tan, H. B., Fan, Z. T., & Du, Y. Z. (2019). Technology management capability, attention distribution and local government website construction: A configurational analysis based on TOE framework. Journal of Management World, 35(09), 81-94. https://doi.org/10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2019.0119)
孙宁、杜运周、陈凯薇,“混合方法研究的原理与设计:以QCA与多案例研究的混合为例”,《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2024, 27(9):185-196.
(Sun, N., Du, Y. Z., & Chen, K. W. (2024). Principles and designs of mixed methods research: take the mixing of QCA and multi-case study as an example. Nankai Business Review, 27(9):185-196.)
贾建锋、刘伟鹏、杜运周、赵若男、蒋金鑫,“制度组态视角下绿色技术创新效率提升的多元路径”,《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),[J/OL]2023, 1-23
(Jia, J. F., Liu, W. P., Du, Y. Z., Zhao, R. N., & Jiang, J. X. (2023). Multiple paths for improving green technology innovation efficiency from the perspective of institutional configuration. Nankai Business Review, 1-23.)
程建青、刘秋辰、杜运周,“创业生态系统与国家创业成长愿望——基于NCA与fsQCA方法的混合研究”,《科学学与科学技术管理》(CSSCI),2023, 44(03): 80-97
(Cheng, J. Q., Liu, Q. C., & Du, Y. Z. (2023). Entrepreneurial ecosystem and national-level entrepreneurial growth aspiration: A mixed study based on fsQCA and NCA approach. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 44(03), 80-97.)
杜运周,“管理哲学与中国特色管理理论创新的思考——基于价值观的中国管理理论发展”,《上海管理科学》,2023, 45(04): 4-5+7
(Du, Y. Z. (2023). My thinking on management philosophy and management theories innovation with Chinese characteristics. Shanghai Management Science, 45(04), 4-5+7.)
(Du, Y. Z., & Ma, H. J. (2022). Research on innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of complexity: Based on the QCA method. R&D Management, 34(03), 1-9.)
(Du, Y. Z., & Sun, N. (2022). Constructing Chinese characteristic management theory system: Necessity, feasibility and thoughts. Chinese Journal of Management, 19(06), 811-820+872.)
(Li, J. X., Du, Y. Z., Sun, N., Liu, Q. C., & Chen, K. W. (2022). Challenges and responses to Chinese management research and practice under the new development paradigm: Review and outlooks from the 12th forum of “China · Practice · Management”. Chinese Journal of Management, 19(03), 326-332.)
(Xie, Z. M., Wang, X., Du, Y. Z., & Xie, L. M. (2022). Institutional complexity, entrepreneurial orientation and innovative entrepreneurship: A configuration analysis based on cross-national cases. Studies in Science of Science, 40(05), 863-873.)
(Du, Y. Z. (2021). Go beyond efficiency and utility: Drive high-quality development and achieve common prosperity through innovation. Enterprise Management, 10, 28-30.)
(Lv, Q. H., Du, Y. Z., Hu, D. F., & You, S. Y. (2021). How types of maker-spaces shape its entrepreneurship service behavior? An analysis based on institutional logics. South China Journal of Economics, 05, 91-109.)
(Cui, X. M., Du, Y. Z., Zhao, D. M., & Chai, C. X. (2021). Research on the mechanism of maker clustering in maker space based on configuration perspective. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 38(18), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.6049/kjjbydc.2020100607)
(Chi, M. M., Du, Y. Z., & Wang, W. J. (2021). Configurational perspective and qualitative comparative analysis: The new way of empirical research in library and information science. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 40(04), 424-434.)
徐广平、张金山、杜运周*,“环境与组织因素组态效应对公司创业的影响-一项模糊集的定性比较分析”,《外国经济与管理》(CSSCI), 2020,42(01):3-16
(Xu, G. P., Zhang, J. S., & Du, Y. Z. (2020). The impact of environmental and organizational configuration on corporate entrepreneurship: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Foreign Economics & Management, 42(01), 3-16. https://doi.org/10.16538/j.cnki.fem.20190909.001)
(Xie, Z. M., Wang, X., Du, Y. Z., & Xie, L. M. (2020). How does the entrepreneurial ecosystem promote urban entrepreneurial quality? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 41(11), 68-82.)
程建青、罗瑾琏、杜运周*,刘秋辰. “何种创业生态系统产生女性高创业活跃度?——基于组态视角的fsQCA研究”,《科学学研究》(CSSCI),2021, 39(04):695-702
(Cheng, J. Q., Luo, J. L., Du, Y. Z., & Liu, Q. C. (2021). What kinds of entrepreneurial ecosystem can produce country-level female high entrepreneurial activity?. Studies in Science of Science, 39(04), 695-702. https://doi.org/10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.2021.04.008)
杜运周,“组织与创业领域:组态视角下的创业研究”,《管理学季刊》(CSSCI), 2019, 4(03):31-41+140
(Du, Y. Z. (2019). Commentary on organization and entrepreneurship —Entrepreneurial research from a configurational perspective. Quarterly Journal of Management, 4(03), 31-41+140.)
程建青、罗瑾琏、杜运周*、闫佳祺、钟竞,“制度环境与心理认知何时激活创业?——一个基于QCA方法的研究”,《科学学与科学技术管理》(CSSCI),2019,40(02): 114–131
(Cheng, J. Q., Luo, J. L., Du, Y. Z., Yan, J. Q., & Zhong, J. (2019). When institutional contexts and psychological cognition can stimulate entrepreneurship activity?: A study based on QCA approach. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 40(02), 114-131.)
张明、杜运周*, “组织与管理研究中QCA方法的应用:定位、策略和方向”, 《管理学报》(CSSCI), 2019,16(09): 1312–1323
(Zhang, M., & Du, Y. Z. (2019). Qualitative comparative analysis(QCA) in management and organization research: Position, tactics and directions. Chinese Journal of Management, 16(09), 1312-1323. https://doi.org/10.3969/j. issn.1672-884x.2019.09.005)
杜运周、王小伟、邓长庚、舒清,“组织衰落与复苏战略:国外理论述评及未来研究启示”, 《外国经济与管理》(CSSCI),2015,37(06):26-38. 《企业管理研究》全文转载,2015年第9期
(Du, Y. Z., Wang, X. W., Deng, C. G., & Shu, Q. (2015). Organizational decline and turnaround strategy: Foreign theory review and implications for future research. Foreign Economics & Management, 37(06), 26-38. https://doi.org/10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2015.06.003)
(Du, Y. Z., & Wang, X. W. (2016). Technician slack, CEO power, and SMEs’ innovation trajectory. Quarterly Journal of Management, 1(03), 81-101+145-146.)
黄玮、项国鹏、杜运周、刘洋、程聪,“越轨创新与个体创新绩效的关系研究——地位和创造力的联合调解作用”,《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2017,20 (01):143-154
(Huang, W., Xiang, G. P., Du, Y. Z., & Liu, Y. (2017). Bootleg and individual innovation performance: The joint effect of status and creativity. Nankai Business Review, 20(01), 143-154.)
李宏贵、曹迎迎、杜运周,“动态制度环境下企业创新的战略反应”,《管理学报》(CSSCI), 2018, 15(06):856-864
(Li, H. G., Cao, Y. Y., & Du, Y. Z. (2018). Corporate innovational strategic response under dynamic institutional environment. Chinese Journal of Management, 15(06), 856-864. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2018.06.008)
尤树洋、杜运周(通讯作者)、张祎,“制度创业研究回顾:概念述评、量化分析与研究展望”,《管理学报》(CSSCI),2015,12(11): 1718-1728. 人大复印资料《企业管理研究》全文转载,2016年第4期
(You, S. Y., Du, Y. Z., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Institutional entrepreneurship: Review, quantitative analysis, and future research directions. Chinese Journal of Management,12(11), 1718-1728. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2015.11.020)
张峰、黄玖立、杜运周,“资源约束下新创企业外部关系向市场职能的转化研究”,《管理学报》(CSSCI),2016, 13(04):572-579
(Zhang, F., Huang, J. L., & Du, Y. Z. (2016). The transformation of external ties into market-based functions in new ventures. Chinese Journal of Management,13(04), 572-579. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2016.04.012)
(Du, Y. Z., & You, S. Y. (2013). Analysis of the frontier of institutional logic and institutional pluralism research and prospects for further research. Foreign Economics & Management, 35(12), 2-10+30. https://doi.org/10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2013.12.001)
杜运周、王小伟、邓长庚、蒋树强,“创业团队声誉与新企业组织合法性关系研究”, 《华东经济管理》(CSSCI),2015,29(05):133-139
(Du, Y. Z., Wang, X. W., Deng, C. G., & Jiang, S. Q. (2015). A study on the relationship between entrepreneurship team’s reputation and new venture’s organizational legitimacy. East China Economic Management, 29(05), 133-139. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2015.05.022)
乔明哲,杜运周,吴为民,“国外公司创业投资的研究现状与未来展望”,《北京工商大学学报》(CSSCI),2014,29(06): 63-72+93
(Qiao, M. Z., Du, Y. Z., & Wu, W. M. (2014). Current status and future direction of research on corporate venture capital—An analysis based on literature in English journals. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Social Sciences), 29(06), 63-72+93. https://doi.org/10.16299/j.1009-6116.2014.06.011)
(Du, Y. Z., & Zhang, Y. L. (2012). An empirical study on relationship between customer empowerment and new venture legitimacy: The moderating role of political network, and its implications.Chinese Journal of Management, 9(05), 735-741.)
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