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活动预告 | 2023年国际货币基金组织(IMF)《世界经济展望报告》发布会Launch of IMF World Economic Outlook 2023



《世界经济展望报告》是由国际货币基金组织(IMF)研究人员撰写的经济概览,着重分析世界宏观经济形势并对经济前景进行预测。2023年国际货币基金组织(IMF)《世界经济展望报告》发布会将于10月16日在南京举行。本次发布会由国际货币基金组织驻华代表处、东南大学经济管理学院主办,东南大学数字经济与技术创新研究院、江苏省宏观经济学会合办。IMF驻华首席代表Steven Alan Barnett、IMF研究部经济学家Mehdi Benatiya Andaloussi、中国人民银行国际司原司长、中国驻IMF原执行董事张之骧、中国社会科学院学部委员金碚、江苏省宏观经济学会会长李侃桢和东南大学首席教授、中国世界经济学会副会长徐康宁等将出席会议并发表演讲。

The World Economic Outlook Report is an economic overview published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It presents the analyses of IMF staff economists on the global economic situation and macroeconomic forecasting. The launch of IMF World Economic Outlook 2023 will be held in Nanjing on October 16. The event is jointly organized by the IMF Resident Representative Office in China and the School of Economics and Management of Southeast University of China, co-organized by Research Institute of Digital Economy & Technology of Southeast University and Jiangsu Provincial Society of Macroeconomics.

Mr. Steven Alan Barnett, Senior Resident Representative of IMF in China, Mr. Mehdi Benatiya Andaloussi, Economist, Research Department of IMF, Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, Former Director General of International Department, People’s Bank of China, and Former IMF Executive Director for China, Prof. Jin Bei, Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Mr. Li Kanzhen, President of Jiangsu Provincial Macroeconomic Society, and Prof Xu Kangning, Chair Professor of Southeast University, Vice-President of Chinese Society for World Economics, will attend the meeting and deliver keynote speeches on the world economic outlook.





Launch of IMF World Economic Outlook 2023 

时    间:2023年10月16日(星期一)09:00 - 12:00

地    点:南京九龙湖宾馆 九龙厅(南京市江宁区苏源大道77号)

主    办:



合    办:



Time: October 16, 2023, 09:00 - 12:00

Location:Jiulong Hall, Jiulonghu Hotel, Nanjing

Organized by:

IMF Resident Representative Office in China

School of Economics and Management, Southeast University

Co-organized by:

Research Institute of Digital Economy & Technology, Southeast University,

Jiangsu Provincial Society of Macroeconomics



09:00--10:15  《世界经济展望报告》发布会

10:35--12:00   嘉宾研讨


09:00--10:15   Launch of the World Economic Outlook Report

10:35--12:00   Guests' Seminar


Bios of Keynote Speakers


Steven Alan Barnett


Senior Resident Representative for IMF in China



Mr. Barnett recently became the International Monetary Fund’s Senior Resident Representative for China. Prior to that, he worked as an Advisor to the Deputy Managing Director.  For much of his career, however, he covered Asia. His positions included Chief of the China Division in the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department, Assistant Director at the IMF Office for Asia and the Pacific in Tokyo, Resident Representative to China, and Resident Representative to Thailand. Prior to joining the IMF in 1997, he earned his PhD in economics from the University of Maryland. He has a Bachelor's degree in economics from Stanford University as well as a Master's degree in Russian and East European Studies, also from Stanford.

Mehdi Benatiya Andaloussi


Economist, Research Department of IMF


Benatiya Andaloussi先生是国际货币基金组织研究部《世界经济展望》部门的经济学家。他曾在国际货币基金组织的西半球、中东以及中亚部门的国家团队工作。此前他曾在世界银行、热图里奥·瓦加斯基金会FGV)以及波士顿咨询集团工作。Mehdi的研究领域涵盖宏观经济学、能源经济学和房地产金融等相关问题。他获得哥伦比亚大学的博士学位毕业于巴黎高等矿业学校并在香港大学学习交流。

Mr. Benatiya Andaloussi is an economist in the World Economic Outlook Division of the lMF's Research Department. He has worked on lMF programs in country teams of the Western Hemisphere and the Middle East and Central Asia Departments. He previously worked at the World Bank, the FGV, and the Boston Consulting Group. Mehdi' s research focuses on a range of issues in macroeconomics, energy economics and real estate finance. He obtained his Ph.D. from Columbia University, is a graduate from l' Ecole des Mines de Paris and studied at Hong Kong University.



Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



Jin Bei, economist, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the Dean of the Business School of Zhengzhou University, and a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics of the CASS. His main fields of research are industrial economics, enterprise theory and practice, and in July 1989 he joined the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he served as assistant researcher, associate researcher, researcher, deputy director of the research office, director, assistant to the director, deputy director, secretary of the Party committee and director; in 2011, he was elected as a member of the Academic Council of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in May 2018, he became the dean of the School of Business of Zhengzhou University. He holds a master's degree in economics from Nanjing University and a doctorate in economics from Renmin University of China.



Former Director General of the International Department, People’s Bank of China, and Former IMF Executive Director for China



Zhang Zhixiang, former Director of the International Department of the People's Bank of China and former Executive Director of China at the IMF. Professor Zhang Zhixiang served as Deputy Director and Director General of the International Department of the People's Bank of China from 1985 to 1996, Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1996 to 1999, and Director General of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from 1999 to 2002. He was Senior Advisor for International Affairs and Director of the International Exchange Programme at the School of Finance and Economics, Renmin University of China, from 2002 to 2009. His major publications include The British Financial System, The US Monetary System and Learning from the Pain - Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis. Currently, his main research areas are the reform of the international monetary system, financial risks and the internationalization of the RMB.



President of the Jiangsu Provincial Macroeconomic Society



Li Kanzhen is the president of Jiangsu Provincial Society of Macroeconomics, Counselor of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, and has been awarded the Young and Middle-aged Expert on Outstanding contributions in Jiangsu Province. President Li received his PhD degree in Science from Nanjing University and is a registered senior planner. He has served as Deputy Director of the Nanjing Planning Bureau, Deputy Party Secretary and Major of the Yuhuatai District, Assistant Mayor of Nanjing (bureau-director level), Deputy Mayor of Lhasa, Deputy Mayor of Nanjing, and Secretary of the Yuhuatai CPC District Committee, Director of the Department of National Resources of Jiangsu Province and Director of the Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission. President Li has deep theoretical insights, especially academic knowledge and rich experience in the fields of economic development and social reform.



Chair Professor of Southeast University、Vice-President of Chinese Society for World Economics



Xu Kangning, Doctor of Economics, Chief Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Southeast University, Vice-President of Chinese Society for World Economics,Former Councilor of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, winner of the title of Jiangsu Famous Social Scientist,enjoying the State Council's Special Allowance for Experts, and Chief Expert of the Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation. He was the Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Southeast University and the Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Economics and Trade of the Ministry of Education.

