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湖畔问道·风华论坛|Digital Health: potential opportunities, challenges for research and clinical practice



Digital Health: potential opportunities, challenges for research and clinical practice


Cheng Siong Lee(澳大利亚蒙纳什大学)








According to Australia Institute of Health and Welfare, Digital health refers to systems, tools and services based on information and communications technology that can be used to treat patients with chronic diseases and collect and share a patient’s health information. This implicitly suggests that Digital health can increase the quality and efficiency of information sharing between healthcare consumers and providers across the health system through “value-co-creation” concept. There are two parts of my talk. In part I, I shall discuss the scope, potential application opportunities for adoption of AI/ML based medical technologies for clinical decision support leading to improving accessibility and treatment life cycles. In Part II, I will discuss several recently completed PhD research projects, which were motivated by the complexity and rise of data in healthcare means that artificial intelligence (AI) inclusive of deep machine learning techniques, which will increasingly be applied within the field. Several types of AI/ML are already being employed by payers and providers of care, and life sciences companies. 


Dr Cheng Siong Lee (Vincent) is currently an Associate Professor (top Level D professorial) with the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of IT, Monash University in Melbourne. In Oct 2006-July 2007, Lee was visiting Professors with School of Economics and Management, and School of Computing and Technology, Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Lee earned his PhD in Adaptive Signal Processing (1992) from The University of Newcastle, NSW in Australia. His education includes: BE and MSc(EE) (1984), both from the National University of Singapore; MBA from Henley Management College in Oxford, Brunel University, England (1990); BBus(Hons I in Economics & Finance) and MBus(Accountancy), both from RMIT University in Melbourne (1997). He is an elected Fellow of The Institute of Engineers, Australia (FIEAust), and a Senior Member of IEEE (USA).

Lee is a cross field researcher in IT, Digital Health, Signal and Information Processing, Financial Engineering (FinTech), Educational Data Mining, Explainable AI, Deep ML, Computer Vision for dynamic objects tracking, and Multi-agent Autonomous Systems. Lee has published 200+ papers in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Selected Areas in Communications, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Neurocomputing, Information Processing and Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Digital Health, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Educational Computing Research; and in CORE A/A* Peer-review International Conferences proceedings (AAAI, IJCAI, NeurIPS, ICDM, ICWS, ICDE, PAKDD, CIKM, WWW, IEEE IC Signal Processing, IC-EDM).

He is currently an Associate Editor for Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Springer, Q1) and serving editorial boards in many scientific, IT and Engineering Q1 Journals. In recent years, Lee has served as invited keynote speakers for a number of IEEE and ACM Flagship conferences, held in Asia Pacific. 
