I am an Associate Professor (ZhiShan Scholar) at the School of Economics & Management, Southeast University.
Prior to the current position, I was an Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, Southeast University. During Sep. 2017 – Oct. 2018, I was trained as a Postdoc Fellow in School of Public Health, Yale University (YSPH). I received my Ph.D. degree in Social Medicine and Health Management from Nanjing University in 2014. Now I am also a Research Fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO).
My research endeavors focus on Health Economics, Health Policy, Social Security, and Scientometrics. Currently, my main research projects involve:
1. Inequality of Opportunity in Health and Health Care
2. Health Reforms in China (Urban-Rural Social Health Insurance Consolidation, Long Term Care Insurance, Healthcare Payment Reform, Healthy Migration Phenomenon)
3. Early Life Experience and the Long Term Health Outcomes
4. Science of Science (The Citation Trap Hypothesis, Social Networks and Behavior in Academia, Gender Gap)