


Dr Xin Gu is currently a professor at School of Economics and Management, Southeast University. She holds PhD in Economics from James Cook University, Australia, Master in Economics and Bachelor of Finance from Southeast University, China. Dr Gu joined Southeast University in 2012, and since then she has been actively engaged in teaching a number of economics subjects and researching in the broad areas of empirical international trade, empirical industrial organisation, economic development, and market design, with a focus on energy interconnection and Chinese economy, where Dr Gu has published extensively. Dr Gu also served as head of MIB, Southeast- Monash Joint Program, senior research fellow, the Australian Energy Transition Institute and reviewers for a number of academic journals.


[26]  Xin Gu, Hao Li, and Langchuan Peng*, “The Anti-domesticViolence Law and Women's Welfare:Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (SSCI), Volume 202, 1-162022.(东南大学经济学英文A刊)

[25] 顾欣、韦柳馨,RCEP视角下推进长三角地区开放型经济高质量发展的路径与对策研究,《现代经济探讨》,2022年第3期:60-69。

[24]  Zhen Yu, Yao Xiao*, Xin Gu*, and Xubin Xie, “Does Imported Producer Service Affect Manufacturing Export? Evidence From China”, The Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, Q3 IF: 1.2), 1-30, 2022.

[23] Xin Gu*, Weiqiang Zhang and Sang Cheng, “How do investors in Chinese stock market react to external uncertainty? An event study to the Sino-US disputes”, Pacfic-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, Q1 IF: 2.8), Volume 68, 101614, 2021.

[22] Xin Gu, Zixiang Zhu* and Minli Yu, “The macro effects of GPR and EPU indexes over the global oil marketAre the two types of uncertainty shock alike?”, Energy Economics (SSCI, Q1 IF: 9.3), Volume 100, 105394, 2021.

[21] Xin Gu*, Shan Ying, Liangliang Wang*, Zhen Yu and Susan Sunila Sharma, “A new estimation of institutional informed trading and firm transparency: Evidence from China”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI, Q1 IF: 2.8), Volume 67, No.10:1538-1552, 2021.

[20] Xin Gu, Xiang Cheng, Zixiang Zhu* and Xiang Deng, “Economic policy uncertainty and China’s growth-at-risk”, Economic Analysis and Policy (SSCI, Q2 IF: 2.5), Volume 70, No.02:452-467, 2021.

[19] Xin Gu*, Ying Shan, Weiqiang Zhang and Yewei Tao, “How Do Firms Respond to COVID-19? First Evidence from Suzhou, China”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI, Q2 IF: 2.3), Volume 56, No.10: 2181-2197, 2020.

[18] 顾欣、张玮强、金杰、刘贞瑶,“一带一路”倡议下电力互联市场的投资风险研究,《东南大学学报》哲学社会科学版,2020年第3期:82-89

[17] 顾欣,“一带一路”跨境电力贸易研究,经济管理出版社,20204月。

[16] 顾欣、张雪洁,经济政策不确定性、劳动力成本上升和企业创新,《财经问题研究》,2019年第9期:102-110

[15] 顾欣、吴嘉贤 、王蓓蓓、刘贞瑶、陈轩,“一带一路”沿线国家间跨境电力贸易的主要影响因素研究,《全球能源互联网》,2019年第4期:384-392

[14] Xin Gu*, Zhangyue Zhou and Yanrui Wu, “Understanding China's Urban Consumption Patterns: New Estimates and Implications”, The Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, Q3 IF: 1.2), Volume 64, No.4: 961-981, 2019.

[13] 顾欣、应珊,我国城镇居民不同收入组群的消费结构研究,《湖北大学学报》哲学社会科学版,201811月,45卷第6期:123-130

[12] 顾欣、吴嘉贤、张雪洁,特色小镇科技支撑体系的运行机制及建设路径研究,《江苏社会科学》,20176期:267-272

[11] 顾欣、应珊,我国城镇居民不同收入群体的消费需求分析,《江苏社会科学》,2016年第5期:18-23

[10] 顾欣,中国贸易收支的形成机理及其主要影响因素研究,20168月,南京大学出版社。

[9] 顾欣,我国农地非农化进程的微观驱动机理研究,《南通大学学报》社会科学版,2015年第3期,31卷:140-144

[8] Xin Gu*, Zhangyue Zhou and Rabi Beg, “What determines China’s Trade Balance Dynamics: a disaggregated analysis of panel data”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy(SSCI), Volume 19, Issue 2: 353-368, 2014. 

[7] 顾欣,我国城市边缘区农地非农化的驱动机制分析及风险预测,《经济问题探索》,2014年第12期:26-30

[6] 顾欣,徐康宁,邵军,转型时期外资进入我国银行业的经济增长效应研究:基于ARDL模型的实证分析,《江苏社会科学》,2014年第5期:79-85

[5] 顾欣,应珊,孙思忠,我国新型城镇化发展过程中土地定价模型构建与测算,《东南大学学报》哲学社会科学版,2014年第4期:70-74

[4] 吕向东,顾欣,徐锐钊,TPP谈判中美国重点关注的几个农业问题,《世界农业》,2014年第4期:11-14

[3] Determinants of China's Trade Balance, Ph.D. Dissertation, James Cook University (Australia), 2013.

[2] 顾欣,徐则娟,基于GJR-GARCH模型的上海证券市场风险测度,《金融经济》,2007年第6期。

[1] 顾欣,监管环境与国有商业银行公司治理,《东南大学优秀毕业论文集》,2004


[21] “双循环新发展格局下中美经贸合作对策研究”,国家社会科学基金课题研究类专项项目批准号:21STA039, 2021/9-2024/9, 主持









[12] “南京市科技服务业集聚发展的对策研究”,江苏省决策咨询基地项目(编号:17SSL065),2017/12-2018/04,主持。

[11] “特色小镇科技支撑体系建设研究”,江苏省政策引导类计划(软科学研究)(编号:BR2017040,2017/03-2017/12,主持。

[10] “江北新区科技服务业集聚区建设路径研究”,南京市软科学重点项目(编号:201706007,2017/07-2017/12,主持。

[9] “特色小镇科技支撑体系建设研究”,东南大学基础科研扶持项目-人文社科类(编号:2242017S20035,2017/03-2018/12,主持。

[8] “基于实物期权视角的我国新型城镇化下农地非农化驱动机制与趋势模拟研究”,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:71403048),2015/01-2017/12,主持。

[7] “江苏应对TPP启动自贸区建设的可行性分析及其对策研究”,江苏省社会科学青年基金项目(编号:13EYC018),2014/01-2015/12,主持

[6] “外商直接投资对农业科研的作用机制研究”,国家留学人员科技活动择优(启动)项目,2014/01-2016/01,主持。

[5] “我国贸易差额盈余的形成机理及其影响因素的测度研究:基于贸易收支传导渠道视角”,江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金指导项目(编号:2013SJD790036),2013/06-2014/12 主持。

[4] “实施自由贸易区战略背景下国际经济波动影响我国经济增长的理论及对策研究”,国家社科基金青年项目(编号:14CJL020),2014/06-2017/12,参与。

[3] “基于国际竞争力视角的我国文化产品出口促进机制和对策研究”,国家社科基金青年项目(编号:11CGL107),2011/01-2014/01,参与。

[2] “不同社会环境下民主制度对腐败现象治理效应的经济学研究”,国家社科基金一般项目(编号:13BJL002),2013/06-2016/06,参与。

[1] “江苏省雾霾类大气污染经济损失:评估与防治机制研究”,江苏省社科联应用工程青年项目(编号:13SQA005),2013/07-2014/03,参与。


[10] Xin Gu(2019),“Estimating electricity demand using night-time light imagery in the countries along the Belt and Road”,November,the 11th GEP-China Conference: Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Belt and Road Initiative and International Trade Policies,the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

[9] Xin Gu(2019),“A new estimation of informed institutional trading and stock performance: evidence from China”,July,the 31st annual conference of Chinese Economics Society of Australia,Sydney.

[8] Xin Gu(2017),“The Role of Uncertainty on Land Prices at the Urban Periphery: Evidence from Mainland China”,March,the 2017 CES North America Conference, the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

[7] Xin Gu, Yanrui Wu and Zhangyue Zhou (2014), “Trends of Chinese Consumers’ Income Elasticity of Demand: New Estimates and Implications”, Deepening Reform for China’s Long-Term Growth and Development: The Role of Rural Development, the Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Joint Conference, Beijing.

[6] 北京大学国家发展研究所“新结构经济学及非洲的结构转型夏令营”,2014616-22日,北京。National School of Development Peking University,First Summer School on New Structural Economics and Development in Africa, Peking.

[5] Xin Gu, Kangning Xu (2013), “The Role of University on Land Prices at the Urban Periphery: Evidence from Mainland China”, December, CEANA& TEA Joint Conference, Taipei.

[4] Bin Dong and Xin Gu (2013),“Transition and Economic Development and Structural Change: Government, Market and Public Policies”,Septermber 20-21,CCES, Fudan University,Shanghai.

[3] Xin Gu (2011), “What determines China’s Trade Balance Dynamics: a disaggregated analysis of panel data”, International Conference on the Chinese Economy, Perth, UWA.

[2] Xin Gu (2010), “A Review of Literature Concerning the Determinants of Trade Balance: what can we learn for studying China’s excessive trade surplus”, China: Economic Prosperity and Business Opportunities in the New Decade, 22nd ACESA, La Trobe University, Melbourne.

[1] Xin Gu and Rabi Beg (2009), “Linkages between Exchange Rate, Stock Market, and Trade Balance: Empirical evidence of China-Australia Bilateral Trade”, 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economics Studies Australia, RMIT, Melbourne.


[1]  东南大学第22届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖

[2]  2014年度东南大学教育基金会汇鸿奖教金

[3]  2017年度苏州园区科教骨干人才

[4] 2018年度东南大学教育基金会数弈众城奖教金
