Since its first edition at Inha University in 2009, the Sustainable AsiaConference has become one important meeting for universities in East Asia inthe field of sustainable development. We are honor to hold SAC 2017 on June23-25, which includes several issues like sustainable development policies,sustainable economic strategies, sustainable e-governance, eco-friendly issuesand methodologies and etc.
The opening ceremony was hosted by Associate Professor Pu Zhengning, fromSchool of Economics & Management, Southeast University. Pro. Shao Jun, theDean Assistant of School of Economics & Management, made the welcomingspeech and Pro. Yongrok Choi, from Inha University, gave the opening speech.Then Pro. Fred Phillips, Editor-in-Chief of TechnologicalForecasting and Social Change, Pro. Deng Xiangzheng, the winner of theNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from Chinese Academy ofSciences, and Pro. Shunsuke Managi, from Kyushu University delivered keynotespeeches respectively.
This conference has received over one hundred papers, and finally selectednearly 30 articles for report and discussion, the attendees were from more than20 universities in China, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam andother countries. In the young scholar session, Dr. Li Ben from SoutheastUniversity and Dr. Jin Yanlin from Hunan University also reported their papersrespectively. At the round table conference held in June 25, “The effect of China's energy trading policyon quota economic benefit and energy savings”, written by ProfessorZhang Ning from Jinan University, won the best paper award.
The excellent reports and active discussions among attendees, in a certainextent, are conducive for researchers to think sustainable developmentfurtherly and provide theory and policy reference for the sustainabledevelopment of economy and environment in China.