Transaction-SpecificInvestments, Relational Norms and ERP Customer Satisfaction: A MediationAnalysis

Publisher:王逢凤Publish Date:2018-04-11Views:266


Transaction-SpecificInvestments, Relational Norms and ERP Customer Satisfaction: A MediationAnalysis


Fujun Lai,22th Dec,2017

Location:B-201,Building of Economics & Management, Jiulonghu Campus


Integrating the perspectives of transaction cost economics(TCE), the resource-based view (RBV), and resource dependency theory (RDT),this study analyzes the institutional settings of enterprise resource planning(ERP) implementations in China. Specifically, it examines how bilateraltransaction specific investments (TSIs) and relational governance mechanismsinfluence customer satisfaction with ERP implementations. The model isempirically tested using data from on-site interviews with 208 ERP customers inChina. The results demonstrate that the effects of vendors’ and customers’ TSIson customer satisfaction are facilitated by multiple-stage micromediationalchains. The influence of TSIs on customer satisfaction is mediated byrelational norms, and the impact of relational norms on customer satisfactionis bridged by perceived service quality and customer trust. Furthermore, theinfluence of vendors’ TSIs is stronger than the influence of customers’ TSIs.The findings contribute to business research and practice by providing valuableinsights into how ERP vendors and customers should strategizetransaction-specific investments to enhance relationship performance.



FujunLai is McCarty Distinguished Professor of Decision Science in College of Businessat the University of Southern Mississippi (USM). Dr. Lai obtained his Ph.D fromDept. of Management Science at City University of Hong Kong. His researchinterests include Supply Chain Relationship Management and Enterprise Systems.His work has been published on such journals as Journal of ManagementInformation Systems, Decision Sciences, Journal of Operations Management,Journal of Business Research, Decision Support Systems, Communications of theACM, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.