The 1st Southeast University-Nanjing University Ph.D. Forum on Management Science and Engineering was Successfully Held

Publisher:孙靓Publish Date:2023-07-14Views:108

On July 9th, 2023, the 1st Southeast University-Nanjing University Ph.D. Forum on Management Science and Engineering was successfully held at the School of Engineering Management, Nanjing University. The theme of this forum was “Building a Strong Belief and Exploring the Academic Frontiers”. The forum focused on cutting-edge academic issues in the fields of operations and green supply chain, logistics system optimization and management, artificial intelligence technologies and methods, and intelligent finance and strategic analysis. The forum was organized by the School of Engineering Management, Nanjing University, the School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Jiangsu Operations Research Society, and Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association. It was jointly hosted by Professor Li Min from the School of Engineering Management, Nanjing University, and Professor Xue Weili from the School of Economics and Management, Southeast University. The forum was attended by Professor Yu Honghai, Dean of the School of Engineering Management, Nanjing University, and Professor Cai Xingju, Chairman of Jiangsu Operations Research Society, who both delivered speeches. Professor Shen Houcai from the School of Engineering Management, Nanjing University, Associate Professor Zhang Yaojie from the School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and Associate Professor Jiang Xinjia from the School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, were invited as guests. Over fifty Ph.D. students from Nanjing University, Southeast University, Fuzhou University, and other universities participated in this event.

The group photo at the opening ceremony

Professor Li Min hosting the meeting

Guests at the forum

At the beginning of the conference, Professor Li Min, the host, introduced the forum. Subsequently, Professor Cai Xingju, Chairman of the Jiangsu Operations Research Society, gave a speech introducing the historical background and development trends of the Society. She also mentioned that this forum aims to provide a cross-school academic exchange and sharing platform for doctoral students in the fields of management science and engineering and explore the latest research and frontier topics in decision science, operations research, data mining, and other related areas, promoting academic research and practical innovation in the field.

Chairman Cai Xingju giving the speech

Professor Yu Honghai, Dean of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, expressed his sincere gratitude to the faculty and students participating in this forum and expressed his earnest expectations for the development of the forum. He pointed out the significant importance of the establishment of the "Southeast University-Nanjing University Ph.D. Forum on Management Science and Engineering", which provides an excellent platform for doctoral students in the field of management science and engineering to broaden their academic horizons and enhance their research capabilities. He hopes that in the future, the exchange platform will continue to expand, encouraging doctoral students and researchers from across the country and even globally to join in, to share and exchange research achievements, and engage in collaborative learning.

Dean Yu Honghai giving the speech

The academic forum was divided into four groups for presentations. Firstly, under the hosting of Professor Li Min, the "Operations and Green Supply Chain Management" group presented their findings. Four doctoral students, Pei Yiyin, Wu Mengchu, Liu Yanping, and Chen Wanying, reported on their research work from various aspects such as research background, research ideas, and model construction. Pei Yiyin, a doctoral student from Nanjing University, shared her research work on "Manufacturer Encroachment and Promotional Effort on a Hybrid Online Retailing Platform". She established a game theory model between manufacturers and retail platforms to explore the interaction between promotion effort decisions on hybrid retail platforms and manufacturer encroachment decisions. Wu Mengchu, a doctoral student from Southeast University, reported on her research work "Buy Online and Return Instore in Omnichannel Operations". She proposed a formalized model to evaluate the impact of omnichannel return collaboration on consumer behavior and channel profitability to provide consumers with a better shopping and returns experience. Liu Yanping, a doctoral student from Fuzhou University, shared her research on "Optimal Production and Maintenance Strategies for Manufacturing/Remanufacturing Leasing System Considering Uncertain Quality and Carbon Emission". She established a production maintenance decision-making model focused on maximizing lessor profits by considering the impact of the quality level of leased products on manufacturing and remanufacturing equipment and the remanufacturing rate to study decisions concerning the production and maintenance of the manufacturing/remanufacturing system. Chen Wanying, a doctoral student from Fuzhou University, presented her research work on "Patent licensing remanufacturing decision considering carbon trading policies under the lease-sale channel". She studied the patent licensing remanufacturing strategy under CTP's leasing channels, constructed a supply chain comprising OEM and TPR,  further analyzed the impact of CTP on OEM and TPR decision-making, and considered the production strategies and profit changes under information asymmetry.

"Operations and Green Supply Chain Management" group presentation

Subsequently, the "Logistics System Optimization and Management" group had presentations from three doctoral students: Zhou Ruiqi, Zhai Youzi, and Yao Hua, who shared their research work. Doctoral student Zhou Ruiqi from Nanjing University presented her research work titled "The Last-Mile Delivery Strategy: Relay Station Service or Delivery at Home?" Her study investigated when express service providers choose to use third-party relay station services under various competitive conditions. She also discovered the existence of a threshold for relay fees and analyzed its impact on demand and profits in monopoly situations. Doctoral student Zhai Youzi from Southeast University reported on her research entitled "Allied Two-tier Hospital Systems: A Comparison of Two Resource Sharing Strategies." She aimed to provide guidance for decision-makers creating higher social welfare, resource utilization, and sustainable hospital alliances, proposing a solution involving constructing a two-tier hospital system consisting of ULHs and LLHs to address resource utilization imbalances. Doctoral student Yao Hua from Southeast University presented her research on "Analyzing the Threshold Effect of Environmental Regulation and Logistics Industry Agglomeration on Road Green Logistics Efficiency." Using the Super-SBM model and panel regression model, she conducted an empirical study on the relationship between environmental regulation, logistics industry agglomeration, and RGLE.

"Logistics System Optimization and Management" group presentation

Then, under the hosting of Professor Xue Weili, the presentation of the "Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Methods" group began. Three doctoral students, Deng Ming, Zhang Linjing, and Xu Lipeng, shared their research findings. Deng Ming, a doctoral student from Southeast University, presented his research work titled "Solving Inventory Routing Problems with Single-cycle Random Demands Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning." He proposed an end-to-end framework using reinforcement learning methods to solve the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP). Doctoral student Zhang Linjing from Southeast University reported on her research titled "Target-oriented Robust Cold Chain Routing Optimization". She used a target-oriented framework to study how to make decisions on vehicle routes considering acceptable costs and carbon emissions to minimize the risk of violating customer expectations for freshness. Xu Lipeng, a doctoral student from Southeast University, shared his research work titled "Identification of Key Industries for Regional Carbon Emissions based on Interconnected Multilayer Network Coupling". He addressed the issue of traditional single-layer network models being unable to differentiate regional differences and couplings in carbon emission networks. He constructed a single-region carbon emission transfer matrix model and a multi-region carbon emission correlated multilayer network hyper-adjacency matrix model, providing theoretical support for cross-regional collaborative emission reduction and promoting integrated regional development.

Professor Xue Weili hosting the meeting

"Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Methods" group presentation

Finally, the group "Intelligent Finance and Strategic Analysis" was presented by three doctoral students: Chen Shi, Zhu Yue, and Feng Yan, who shared their research findings. Chen Shi, a doctoral student from Nanjing University, presented his research titled "Mitigating Free Riding in Social Networks: The Impact of Underestimating Others' Ability in Financial Market". He investigated two manifestations of traders' overconfidence: underestimating the abilities of others and overestimating their abilities, and proposed that overconfidence among traders in social network markets hinders costless information acquisition. Zhu Yue, another doctoral student from Nanjing University, shared her research work titled "The Role of Managerial Capabilities in Enterprise Development: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of High-Quality Development." Using sample data and dynamic managerial capability theory, she studied the impact and underlying mechanisms of managerial capabilities on high-quality enterprise development, as well as the moderating effect of digital transformation on this relationship. Feng Yan, a doctoral student from Southeast University, presented her research titled "The Impact of Vertical and Horizontal Leadership Distribution on Team Knowledge Transfer from a Paradox Perspective." She constructed a model of leadership distribution in teams based on the "Yin-Yang Paradox" perspective and explored the differentiated impact of the "one-sided dominance" and "balanced dualism" leadership models on team knowledge transfer and the internal relationship mechanisms between them based on hierarchical functional theory.

"Intelligent Finance and Strategic Analysis" group presentation

Professor Shen Houcai, Associate Professor Zhang Yaojie, and Associate Professor Jiang Xinjia, who served as judges and guest speakers at the forum, provided comments on the presentations of the students from various perspectives such as research framework, method innovation, and practical application. They also offered constructive and insightful suggestions tailored to each student's report.

Judges giving comments

At the end of the forum, the judges evaluated and scored the reports, and awarded the first prize to Pei Yijing and Wu Mengchu, the second prize to Chen Wanying, Zhou Ruiqi, Deng Ming, and Chen Shi, and the third prize to Liu Yanping, Zhai Youzi, Yao Hua, Zhang Linjing, Xu Lipeng, Zhu Yue, and Feng Yan. The successful holding of this forum has inspired students' thinking and provided them with new research methods and ideas. It has also helped them improve their academic level and presentation skills, demonstrating the spirit of young scholars' innovation and progressiveness. Moreover, it has further stimulated their enthusiasm for conducting high-quality research. Thus, the 1st Southeast University-Nanjing University Ph.D. Forum on Management Science and Engineering came to a successful conclusion!

Judges and awarded students taking a group photo

Text: Cui Yang, Chen Shi

Photo: Yang Dongqi, Cui Yang

Translated by: Li Zhaoting

Reviewed by: Luo Jiaoying